So This Is War by Meghan Quinn EPUB & PDF

So This Is War by Meghan Quinn EPUB & PDF

So This Is War by Meghan Quinn EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Meghan Quinn
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.5 MB
  • Price: Free

A year ago . . .
“I’m so excited you’re here,” Sandie, my best friend, says as she pulls me
into a hug. “And I can’t believe your dad let you catch a ride on the team
“It took a lot of begging,” I say as I adjust my gold top in the hotel
mirror, making sure my breasts are exactly where I want them. “But he
caved when I said I wanted to visit with you. He’s always loved you.”
“Because I wasn’t the one getting us into trouble in high school.”
I shrug as I sift through my pouch of lipsticks, trying to decide what
nude color I want to wear tonight. “I helped us live life. Can’t complain
about that.”

“Your dad did.”
I chuckle. “Because he’s a cranky old man who got divorced nearly
twenty years ago and has refused to find love again. That would make
anyone cranky.”
“He’s found love,” Sandie says. “In hockey.”
I roll my eyes because ugh, hockey. Growing up with a single father
infatuated with the sport, I could have gone two ways. I could have grown
to love it as much as my dad or utterly despise it because it took my dad
away from me for nearly half of my life.

Can you guess which one it is?
“I hope his love affair has been worth it.” I go for my honeysuckle lip
color, knowing it always makes my lips look the best.
“Seems like it has. I mean, you flew here on a team plane. Which, hey,
you didn’t tell me about the flight. Did you meet any of the players?”
“No,” I say glumly. “Dad forced me to board way before any of the
players. He made me sit in the back with the staff, then made me wait to
deplane until after all the players got off, so zero interaction.”

“Was he afraid you might try to intermingle with them?”
“You know him, he’s always worried about me.”
“Probably because he caught Sebastian in the house several times in
high school when he shouldn’t have been there.”

I chuckle. “Remember the time Sebastian climbed out the window in his
underwear and sprinted down the street just to avoid my father’s wrath?”
“Yes, I still recall seeing him sprint past my house, his long hair
flapping in the breeze. He joined track right after that.”
“And became All-American his senior year. He should be thanking me
for opening his eyes to his speed.”

Sandie laughs. “Poor Sebastian. I wonder what he’s doing now.”
“He’s in Portland, Oregon,” I answer when I finish my lipstick and sit
on my bed across from Sandie’s. “I think he’s working as an assistant coach
of a track team, so yeah, he owes his career to me too.”

“You’ve done him favors left and right.” Sandie chuckles.
“Just here to help.” I smirk and take in her dress. “You know, you could
borrow one of my outfits. Show off a little bit more breast . . .”

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