Sniper by Margaret Couplet EPUB & PDF

Sniper by Margaret Couplet EPUB & PDF

Sniper by Margaret Couplet EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Margaret Couplet
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Wood Song

SQUAD 42 DIDN’T MAKE it all the way to Red Ivory that night, darkness
had fallen too quickly for that. The inky shadows crept further and further
across the road in front of them until it became clear that they were going to
have to stop sooner rather than later.

At some point during the relatively short drive Harry had pulled a music
disk from somewhere in the console and shoved it into a slot on the dash
that was designed for the purpose. There was a woman singing in a sweet
alto croon along with a guitar and soft drums, Clark couldn’t make out the
words and the language she was singing in wasn’t one that he even vaguely
recognized which meant that it wasn’t spoken anywhere in the Empire or
even vaguely related to them.

Which meant it was probably one of the languages spoken in what had
once been Europe or Africa. He could at least recognize most of the Asiatic
dialects and was damn near fluent in English, Spanish, and Mandarin, the
three languages spoken in the Empire, though English was his native

Adam had rolled one of the back windows down before he’d leaned over
onto Clark’s shoulder to take a nap and the air in the car was filled with a
sweet scent he couldn’t quite place. The breeze was clean all the way out
here, absent of the ever present scents of pollution and garbage that seemed
to hang around most of the places Clark had lived.
Clark was worried about Adam, not to the point where he wanted to wrap
the other man in cotton and put him on a shelf somewhere far away from
danger but the Council meeting had taken a lot out of the other blonde, far
more than he’d let on while it was taking place. Clark didn’t think he’d seen
the other blonde that angry before, then again, Adam hadn’t had any reason
to be angry in the last week.

“Is he going to be okay?” Clark asked.
“What do you mean?” Peter’s brown eyes appeared in the rearview
mirror for a second before returning to the road in front of them.
“It’s just…” Clark hesitated, bringing a hand up to run his fingers
through Adam’s hair. “I don’t think I’ve seen anyone but Martin that angry
before and the last time he was that pissed off he almost took someone’s
hand off.”

“Dangerous friend you have there,” Peter commented.
“Yeah, I guess,” Clark shrugged.

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