SnapShot by Scarlett J. Aimer EPUB & PDF

SnapShot by Scarlett J. Aimer EPUB & PDF

SnapShot by Scarlett J. Aimer EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Scarlett J. Aimer
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.9 MB
  • Price: Free

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The push notification comes through at the top of my phone
screen, letting me know I have business to attend to after my video
chat date with Charlie. My SnapShot account has been keeping the
bills paid the last few months. It’s amazing how much people will
pay to see a little skin or have a genuine conversation to abate their
loneliness. Most of my clients are older men who have either been
widowed or divorced for one reason or another.

The only issue I have so far is that the guy I’m sort of dating
has no idea about my account, and I don’t know when the proper
time to bring it up would be. Especially since we haven’t actually
met in person yet.

We’ve been talking for about a month— video chatting mostly.
He lives in the next town over and runs a restaurant that he hopes
will eventually lead to a chain of several more. I can respect a man
with goals. Though I don’t have many of my own at the moment.
When Grams got sick, all of my plans went out the window,
along with my savings and my almost completed animal science
degree. I wouldn’t trade the extra time I got with her for all the
PhD’s in the world, though. I owed her my time. She was the only
person who never gave up on me and gave me everything I needed.
Granted, Pop was there too, but I was always closest to Grams.
“Everything okay, Haedyn?” Charlie asks as he peers into my
soul through the screen.

“Yeah. All good. Sorry, I guess I spaced for a second.”
“That’s okay. I was just asking how your week was looking. I’d
like to meet up soon.”

“We will. It’s just hard to make sure our schedules match up.
You know I work ridiculous hours at The Dairy Bar.” It wasn’t
technically a lie. I do work a lot, but I’m also internally freaking
out about meeting him in person.

We grow up being told not to meet strangers from the internet;
they could be serial killers. I guess he could be. I really have no
way of knowing, but I don’t get that creepy vibe from him. Then
again, famous last words and all that.

“I know, but I can’t wait much longer to get my hands on you.”
We’ve perfected the art of phone sex, to the point that my
favorite toy is now kaput. He said he was sending me another in the
mail, and I’m impatiently awaiting its arrival. My poor mail man
probably thinks I’m insane the way I’ve been waiting for him at the
end of the driveway each morning.

Those morning endorphins haven’t been hitting as hard without
my trusty sidekick. I’ve never been one of those lucky girls who
can get it done with just my hand.
“I can tell by the blush on your face that you’re thinking about
it too, aren’t you?”

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