Smoke on the Water by Harper Jackson EPUB & PDF

Smoke on the Water by Harper Jackson EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Harper Jackson
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“You’re going to regret this.”
I ignored the warning in my brother Drew’s voice and grinned at
the keys I now held to the two-story shingle-style house that was all mine.
Or would be in another thirty years, when I finished making all the
payments to the bank. “It’s going to be great.”

“I can’t believe you bought it without doing more than a video tour.”
“There’s not that much on the market in my price range. If I wanted to
close as soon as I got back on-island, I had to move quickly or risk being
forced to move back in with Mom and Dad while I looked.” While I loved
my parents, after five years away, the last thing I needed was my wellintentioned mom smothering me now that I was home. So I’d come straight
from the ferry to the lawyer’s office to sign the closing paperwork.
“If you think buying that house is gonna keep Mom out of your
business, you’re sorely mistaken. It’s a shithole, Hoyt.”

“I concede it looks kinda rough.” Something I’d willfully overlooked
when the realtor had sent me pictures while I was still in Raleigh. “But it’s
got good bones. That kind of golden-age construction is worth preserving.”
“It’s a duplex. Are you planning on adding landlord as a secondary

“No. I’m gonna turn it back into a single-family home.” It was why I’d
come back to Sutter’s Ferry and Hatterwick. To sink some roots and start a
family. Even though I hadn’t actually found the woman yet. I figured by the
time I was done working on the house, she’d have turned up, and I’d be
ready. “I don’t mind living in a construction zone, and with my 24-on, 48-
off schedule, I ought to be able to do a solid amount of work on it. No way
would I have been able to get that much square footage that close to the
ocean without going for a fixer-upper. I was lucky to get this one, as is. The
other interested party wanted to tear it down and build something else.”

Probably more of the mega-mansions that were popping up like mushrooms
around the island as Mother Nature cleared the way and locals lost out to
mainland investors who had more capital to sink into such a project.
“I’m not sure whoever that was had the wrong idea. But if it makes you
happy, who am I to judge?” Drew clapped me on the shoulder. “C’mon.
Let’s get a celebratory drink. With that albatross, I suspect you’re gonna
need one.”

“You buying?”
He heaved a put-upon sigh, but I didn’t miss the twinkle in his blue
eyes. “I mean, since you just sank everything you have into a house, I guess
I am.”

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