Slow Ride by Mayra Statham EPUB & PDF

Slow Ride by Mayra Statham EPUB & PDF

Slow Ride by Mayra Statham EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Mayra Statham
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Slow Ride : Men of Valor MC
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I waved goodbye to the last customer in the store and stretched. My body
ached slightly, but nothing worse for wear. It’d been a long day, and I was
ready to go to the clubhouse for an ice-cold beer and maybe shoot some
pool with the guys.
“You okay, man?” Bolt, one of my MC brothers, asked. I nodded,
exhaling slowly. He had been in the back and a great help today.
“Yeah, brother. I’m good.”
“Okay, if you’re good, I’m gonna head out. Gotta get to a job,” he
shared, his tool bag already in his hands. Bolt was a good guy who was a
whiz with anything and everything electrical.
“See ya!” I saluted, and the bell over the front door chimed as Bolt
made his way out. His words clung to my mind.
Was I okay? I was. Wasn’t I?
Life was good.

I had my brothers in the Men of Valor. Thanks to the sweet butts at the
clubhouse, I never lacked for female company if I was in the mood. Which,
if I was honest, I hadn’t been. In a while. But I had my work. My work at
Handy’s Hardware was satisfying. I made a difference in a peaceful kind of

I used to be a pilot mechanic in the Air Force until an accident had me
honorably discharged because there was no way I was going to be punted
off to a desk gig. I had never been the desk jockey type. Too many rules and
red tape. I needed to be out and somehow be able to see the fruits of my
labor in more than charts and spreadsheets.
It’s why working at the hardware store for the MC made me happy.
Fulfilled. I covered the random shift here and there when the MC needed
help at Midnight Oil or the Pussy Parlor. Not to mention flipping shitty
houses or properties and making them shine made me feel productive.
I was good. Happy. Fine.

But there was something missing.
I just didn’t know what. I couldn’t put my finger on it. I had been
married before. Now divorced, I knew I was obviously not suited for
domestic bliss. My ex-wife had been a good woman, but I was in the Air
Force and never around. She was better off without me. Last I heard, Kim
was on her third kid and her accountant husband made her smile bigger than
I ever had. Which, in turn, made me glad.
I was being stupid. I was happy. I was fine. I had a good life.
I didn’t need anything else.

Shaking my head, I looked out toward the street again. It was quiet for a
Friday afternoon, probably because it was going to rain soon. The sky was
already darkening with ugly-looking clouds, blocking out the sun. Then I
saw it.
A small mint-green and white travel trailer. Older. Almost vintage, or it
would be in a couple of years.

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