Slaying the Shadow Prince by Helen Scheuerer EPUB & PDF

Slaying the Shadow Prince by Helen Scheuerer EPUB & PDF

Slaying the Shadow Prince by Helen Scheuerer EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Helen Scheuerer
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Romantic Fantasy 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


Drue Emmerson patrolled the northernmost point of the fallen
kingdom of Naarva and looked into the festering darkness. As she
gazed upon the looming clouds and the gathering night, she could
scarcely contain her rage. Her homeland, the kingdom of gardens, had once
been a place teeming with life and colour, its provinces lush, its gardens
overflowing with vibrant blooms and its skies a soaring blue. But that was

Now, fear was the constant companion of all those who remained in
Naarva, always begging the question: who would be next? The shadow
wraiths had taken not only the kingdom’s soul, but Drue’s mother and
brothers as well, leaving only her and her father behind.
She was one of many with such a tale.

The capital, Ciraun, along with the palace within its citadel, had been
the first to fall. There had been no sign of the royal family in nearly a year;
all the while their people lost their lives and loved ones, one way or another.
An entire kingdom was scattered to the wind, with most now living
underground or in rural strongholds across the broken lands, constantly on
alert for the next attack. Drue’s countrymen were still reported missing on a
weekly basis and there were rumours of an increasing threat to what little
remained of her beloved homeland.

‘We shouldn’t be out here,’ said Coltan, her childhood friend, following
her eyeline to the Broken Isles across the seas to the east, and then to the
west where the Veil towered. Even from a distance it was a sight to behold:
a wall of billowing mist that surrounded all the midrealms, a barrier of
protection, so they’d been taught. A shield between the people and the
creatures that lurked beyond. A shield that was fracturing.
‘You shouldn’t be here,’ Drue snapped, his comment only reigniting her

‘I didn’t want you out here alone.’
‘I wouldn’t have been. If you hadn’t messed with the patrol roster, I’d
be here with Adrienne.’ And I wish I was, her clipped words implied. She
would choose the company of her best friend and the general of the
guerrilla forces any day over the entitled demands of Coltan. What felt like
a lifetime ago, Drue had made a mistake with him. They had known each
other their whole lives, and thinking he understood the grief she was going
through, she had sought comfort in his arms. She’d been paying for that
mistake ever since.

‘I was just looking out for you,’ Coltan said, his mouth downturned.
But Drue didn’t have the patience for hurt feelings of his own making.
‘You were just sticking your nose in where it doesn’t belong. Trying to

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