Sins and Serenades (PREACHER’S KID) by J. Nell EPUB & PDF

Sins and Serenades (PREACHER’S KID) by J. Nell EPUB & PDF

Sins and Serenades (PREACHER’S KID) by J. Nell EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: J. Nell
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I am excited to get back to camp this year, to get away for the
summer and see him again, Gabriel, or as I call him, Gabe. We met our first
year at camp when I was eight, and he was nine, and every year we have
met up at camp, and when camp was over, I wished the year away so I
could be with him again. We got stuck together for a Bible trivia, and we
clicked. From that point on, we were always together.

We have a lot in
common, especially with us both being pastor’s kids and loving to sing. We
would both complain about all the obligations we had to deal with and all
the things “regular” kids got to do that we didn’t, like going to birthday
parties or just about any school extracurricular activities. But we couldn’t
because we had to go to church for church, prepare for church, or have a
fundraiser for the church.

Gabe had a harder time than I did because his
father is one of the few white men in a predominately black church
denomination. He was often picked on in school because he had black
friends and a little more swag than the average white boy, that is, until he
turned about fifteen years old. The foot he grew and the extra weight he
gained made everyone who tried to bully or talk trash to him shut right on

On the other hand, I was always bony, built like a bed slat, as my sisters
called me. They were all built like the black versions of Jessica Rabbit, and
I was built like Olive Oil. Not only were my sisters built like walking wet
dreams, but even my friends were built better than me. While other people
were praying for jobs, cars, cures for diseases, and ending world hunger, I
was praying for boobs, hips, and ass. Selfish? Yes, it was, but did I still pray
for it? Yes, I did, and nothing happened. One thing I did have was hair, lips,
and skin, all of them perfection.

But Gabe never treated me like I was ugly,
but also didn’t treat me like I was attractive either until he did. At first, we
were both young, and it didn’t matter, hell it didn’t even occur to us, but
year after year, going back, things began to change. Things that weren’t
important before started becoming important, and things that seemed
important before no longer mattered.

I am not sure at what age it went from
friend to more, all I can be sure of is it did, if I had any doubts, the letters
that began coming were proof. At least once a week, I got a letter, I would
hide it away like a miser so my mom and sisters couldn’t get it and read it,

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