Sinister Savior by Lydia Hall EPUB & PDF

Sinister Savior (THE WOUNDED HEARTS #6) by Lydia Hall EPUB & PDF

Sinister Savior (THE WOUNDED HEARTS #6) by Lydia Hall EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Lydia Hall
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.7 MB
  • Price: Free

The TV is loud, and the bourbon goes down smoothly. My head spins a
little, but it’s not enough to drown my fears. Tonight, like every night
since my husband was gunned down in cold blood, I sit with the pistol
in my lap and a drink in my hand. He told me days before his death that
they’d come looking for us—for me. I didn’t want to believe him, but now I

“Rain showers moving in over the weekend to give us some of that muchneeded moisture for our spring flowers. You can pretty much bet on getting
soaked if you’re out and about, so take an umbrella.”
The weatherman is always wrong. We haven’t had rain in So-Cal for weeks.
I don’t hold my breath that it will start anytime soon, either. We’re just that
unlucky. I’m just that unlucky. My marriage was falling to pieces, anyway.
I’d already talked to a lawyer about a divorce, which would have cost me
every penny I have saved up, but I’d have done it.

I hated that Tom was mixed up with such horrible people, criminals and
thugs. He told me six months before his untimely demise, and I wanted out.
I wanted us to move away from here, find a safe place to restart out lives,
but he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. He insisted that it didn’t matter where we
went, that they’d find us. And they did. They found him.

“Next week, we can look forward to brighter skies as the sun returns to the
Los Angeles area. Expect highs in the low nineties every day, except Friday,
and hit the beach to cool off.”

I stare blankly at the screen, watching the weather man wave his arms
around like a fool. The choreographed display is so fake. My soul craves
something more, something deeper, the thing I thought I had with Tom
before the façade came crashing down and I saw him for who he really was.
The thing I’m drinking this whiskey to try to find, which I’ll never find
because life doesn’t work like that.

I hear a noise, a bang near the back of my house, and I jump. My nerves are
shot. They have been for three months, twenty-two days, fourteen hours,
and—I glance at my watch—seventeen seconds. Since the instant that bullet
claimed Tom’s life and left me a widow at the age of twenty-three. I’m not
supposed to be a widow. I’m supposed to be a mother with a happy family
and a nice career and a dog. I’m supposed to be happy.

I pick up the bottle and swig straight from it, ignoring the empty glass in
my hand. Every slight sound makes me terrified. Every bump in the night
gives me a nightmare.

I can’t even go in his office. The cops took him
away, but they said it’s my job to clean the mess—the blood and bits of
bone from his skull still plastered to the walls. I’m supposed to clean that?
I’m supposed to go in there and pretend that I didn’t walk in on half his
skull splattered over the floor and ceiling and just mop it up like a pile of

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