Sing for Her by Grace Parkes EPUB & PDF

Sing for Her (INDIGO LOUNGE #1) by Grace Parkes EPUB & PDF

Sing for Her (INDIGO LOUNGE #1) by Grace Parkes EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Grace Parkes
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The air was charged like static with the humming of talk and the jostling
of bodies within the Indigo Lounge. Open mic night was usually
popular and both the regulars and passers-through liked to get
involved with spoken poetry, live music and performance. Once a passing
circus even had a couple of the acrobats perform some gravity-defying lifts
and stunts that really drew in a crowd.

Mia watched as Esme, the owner of the lounge, pushed her way through
the ebbing current of patrons towards her, her wavy hair looking wild as she

“Goodness! That was certainly a workout!” She exhaled when she
finally reached Mia. “A good turnout, isn’t it?”
“Good? This is insane, Ez, you’ll make a killing tonight for sure. Do
you know whether Indigo was mentioned anywhere online to bring in a
crowd like this?”

“Well actually, I do know, and that’s why I wanted to come and speak to
you quickly. I wasn’t told this until later this afternoon myself, but one of
Deborah’s friends is coming tonight, as well, at the recommendation of
Deborah! The crowd has come because she’s spread the word!”

“Oh… Well, that’s amazing, this will hopefully be a real boost to the
bar. Although I think it’s probably best that the open mic night sticks to only
once a month if it’s going to start getting this busy! What did you want to
talk to me about it anyway? You’re the owner, you don’t need my
permission!” Mia chuckled, and when Esme didn’t return the laugh, she
began to get a sinking feeling in her stomach.

“Well, it seems that Deborah requested this woman to attend to see you
specifically. I got a call about it earlier, I’m assuming from her PA or
something, saying that she would be attending the Mia Cortés intimate live
set this evening. When I tried to tell her it was just open mic night, the girl
just laughed and told me it wasn’t! Can you imagine the audacity!?

Anyway, when I started to see patrons arriving in waves, I decided I should
probably change the signage. They call the woman attending tonight the
Huntress, I’m not really sure why, but she’s sounds pretty important.” Esme
pointed to the black chalkboard behind the stage.

Mia had been so preoccupied with carrying in all her equipment around
the crowd and wondering where everyone had come from that she hadn’t
seen the elegant cursive writing advertising her name only behind the

“Wha—Ez, I don’t know if I can do a set in front of this many people
by myself! I was hoping to let a few people go ahead of me to psyche
myself up.”

“Mia, my dear, look at me. You’re so young and you still don’t seem to
know how capable you are! I’ve seen you perform on that little stage more
times than I can remember and every time you blow the crowd away. This
is LA, Mia, if you don’t take the opportunity when it comes knocking,
you’ll end up a washed-up old woman running a bar like me!”

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