Sin by Beth D. Carter EPUB & PDF

Sin (DEATH RIDERS MC #6) by Beth D. Carter EPUB & PDF

Sin (DEATH RIDERS MC #6) by Beth D. Carter EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Beth D. Carter
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Her father’s voice echoed through the church, reflecting his passion
for the sermon. It was one of Adira’s favorite things — sitting in the pew
and listening as he preached. His voice changed, growing deeper with a
little more twang as he built up the passion. Her mother sat next to her on
one side, and her fiancé, Abel, sat on the other. Once she walked down the
aisle, her world would be complete.

They rose for the last hymn and she looked up at Abel with a smile.
He winked. Once the service wrapped up, she stood next to her parents to
greet the congregation. Finally, the last person left and her parents headed
back inside the church.
“Are you going home?” she asked Abel.

“Yeah, thought I’d rest a little before coming over for dinner.”
“Okay,” she said. “I’ve got to run to the store.”
“All right.”

She stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek before heading toward her
car. Only when she got to the door did she realize she left her keys on her
father’s desk where she had tossed them earlier. Adira returned to the
church, entering through a side door, and walked soundlessly down the hall.
She heard the low timbre of her father’s voice coming from his office. Just
as she reached it, however, she heard her name and realized her fiancé,
Abel, was in there with her dad.
“Your daughter is a cold fish,” Abel said.

The words halted her in her tracks. Surely, she heard wrong, or the
words out of context. Yet, confusion filled her. Cold fish?
“What’d you expect? She was raised by my cold fish of a wife,” her
father stated with a dark chuckle. His cruel words filled her with shock.
“But that’s why you have a side piece. A wife to look good for the
congregation and a woman to fuck on the side. That’s what I have, and no
one is the wiser. Get Adira pregnant and she’ll be in her own little world.”

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