Silk & Sand by Katherine Diane EPUB & PDF

Silk & Sand by Katherine Diane EPUB & PDF

Silk & Sand (SETH & RAIDER #1) by Katherine Diane EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Katherine Diane
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

THREE HUNDRED MILES of roads and rutted tracks. Weeks of hunting
markets and inns. Seth was used to all that. He didn’t mind blinding sun and
lumpy beds and a dozen dead ends—because they never really were dead
ends. There would be a crack, a hole, a hidden door. There would be a clue,
and Seth would find it. As a Curator for the Arcanum, that was his job.
But what Seth usually hunted was artifacts. Arcane ones. Objects of
interest to the scholars of the Arcanum College, things of power and danger
and often incredible beauty. He followed trails that whispered from the
fading ink of crumbling scrolls and the lore of fireside tales, into forests and
far-flung cities, down back alleys and tomb shafts.

He did not, usually, hunt people.
But here he was in the dusty, desert-edge town of Shalaa, tromping into
the bazaar with questions about a man instead of questions about a mystery.
Of course, why an arcanist wanted for murder would have come to this little
spot of nowhere was a mystery all on its own.

Mudbrick buildings squatted on either side of the not quite straight alley,
their faded awnings drooping in the heat and the red govaa fruit at one
merchant’s stall visibly shriveling. A town as remote as Shalaa couldn’t
hope to enjoy the arcane advancements of a city-state like Masir, where the
Arcanum birthed so many wonders.

No cooling boxes preserved the fruit. No arcane fans lifted the blanket of
heat. In fact, Seth was likely wearing more arcane technology than existed
in the entire town.
Without the cooling properties of the arcane fabric, his rugged black
pants and sleeveless shirt would have been unbearable in this heat,
especially with the added burden of his forearm bracers, utility belt, and
thigh sheath. And of course there was also the heavy sword strapped at his
back, its pommel jutting above his right shoulder.

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