Signed, Sealed, Married by Annie West EPUB & PDF

Signed, Sealed, Married (A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH #4) by Annie West EPUB & PDF

Signed, Sealed, Married (A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH #4) by Annie West EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Annie West
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.3 MB
  • Price: Free

THEY MET NOT at Fontaine headquarters in Paris, but on the French Riviera,
closer to the company’s perfume distillery.
Adam unfurled himself from the sports car and gave his keys to a valet,
before a grand Belle Epoque hotel. Self-confident in its domed splendour, it
occupied a premier location on the famous Promenade des Anglais, looking
over Nice’s Bay of Angels. The sun lit its pale façade, a sea breeze made its
flags flap and overhead a blue sky enhanced the scene.

It surprised him she’d chosen this place for their lunch meeting.
The hotel was famous and probably sumptuous, but surely an oldfashioned choice for a woman still in her twenties.
She knew his net worth—it regularly featured in rich lists—and must
realise it would take more than a famous venue to impress him. Maybe it
was familiar ground for her, somewhere her family had come for

Whatever her thinking, all that mattered was that she understood how
much her company needed him. Someone with the funds and business
savvy to turn around the House of Fontaine.

Adam rolled his shoulders and turned his back to the hotel. On the other
side of the road stretched the deep blue, glittering Mediterranean. But the
beach below the promenade consisted of rocks, trucked in to make up for
the lack of sand. The place was famous, but it didn’t excite someone who’d
grown up with golden beaches and the endless Pacific Ocean.

He turned back. The hotel possibly had a certain charm but he preferred
the less grandiose style of the villa he’d rented along the coast.
Is that what had happened with Fontaine’s? Had it stultified under the
control of a family that lived in the past instead of looking to the future?
It was time for change and he was the man to see to it.

Besides, the House of Fontaine had something he wanted.
‘Just do the best you can, Gigi. If necessary, stall him and call me.’
Gisèle heard the strain in Julien’s voice and wished she could reassure
him. But there was nothing either of them could do. There were no cards
left to play. No lucrative avenues that would turn a quick profit and save the
company from insolvency. They, and their financial team, had been over the
books too often for any doubt.

‘You can rely on me.’ Which didn’t amount to much. Even if she were in
a position to negotiate, she was a scientist by training, more at home in the
lab or perfume distillery than wrangling deals with tycoons. ‘I’ll do my

‘I know. It’s unfair to put you in this position where you’re out of your
depth. Maybe I should—’

‘Nonsense!’ Gisèle looked around the restaurant, glad her table was a
discreet distance from the others. The grand room brought back reassuring
memories of special lunches here with Grandpère. She lowered her voice.
‘Nothing is more important than you finishing your treatment. Not even the

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