Signed in Incubus (POSSESSIVE MONSTERS #6) by Maggie Mayhem EPUB & PDF

Signed in Incubus (POSSESSIVE MONSTERS #6) by Maggie Mayhem EPUB & PDF

Signed in Incubus (POSSESSIVE MONSTERS #6) by Maggie Mayhem EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Maggie Mayhem
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.6 MB
  • Price: Free

MY HEART LURCHED IN my chest as I leaped away from the red plume
of smoke suddenly forming in my living room. Panic set in as the form
coalesced. I ran for the kitchen.
“Fuck!” I swore, stubbing my toe on an unopened moving box.
Ignoring the pain, I hopped on one foot over to the table. I hadn’t started
unpacking yet, but I was pretty sure I had some salt packets left over from
my recent take-out order.

“Come on, where the hell are you?” I rifled through the paper bag and
found the little white packets at the very bottom.
When I’d cast the spell to find Mr. Right, I hadn’t expected the results to be
so immediate. I certainly wasn’t ready for a swirling vortex to open up in
my living room on the spot, which was why I hadn’t thought to draw a salt
circle to contain my would-be suitor. You know, in case I didn’t agree with
the spell’s definition of the perfect man.

Packets in hand, I ran back to the swirling, smoky mass and started
sprinkling tiny pinches of salt in a circle around it. Damn. There was no
way there was enough to form a circle. I was only a quarter of the way
around when the form fully solidified.

“Hello, Gorgeous,” said a low rumbly voice.
I looked up from the sad-looking curved line of salt and found myself face
to face with—
Oh. A naked and extremely chiseled set of glutes.
Talk about buns of steel.

I tore my eyes away and scrambled back. In front of me was a very naked,
very well-formed man.
No. Not man. Demon.

He stood before me, a towering mountain of muscle and horns. His eyes
glowed with a preternatural light, and his skin was a dusky tan with a hint
of red. Like his perfectly formed behind, the rest of him was a paragon of
perfection, right down to the strong jawline and the majestic horns. My
pulse pounded in my ears as I struggled to find my words.
What the hell did one say to an accidentally conjured, ridiculously hot

He looked down at the salt ring I’d been trying to complete and smirked.
His wide smile showed a set of perfectly straight, brilliantly white teeth that
were just a little too sharp to be human.
“That wouldn’t have worked anyway.” He easily stepped over the line.
“Prax Incubus, at your service.” He bowed dramatically.

When he stood again, a pair of leather pants that hadn’t been there moments
ago now covered him from the hips down, although he remained topless.
I backed up around my couch. Incubus. Not just any demon, but one that
consumed sexual energy. They could sometimes be a lot of fun, but
definitely not perfect man material.
Yup, I’d totally fucked up.

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