Shucked by Kate Canterbary EPUB & PDF

Shucked by Kate Canterbary EPUB & PDF

Shucked by Kate Canterbary EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Kate Canterbary
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary Women Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Today’s Special:
Disaster over an Herb Salad
I WAS COMPLETELY out of control. That was one thing I
knew to be certain.
There was no other explanation. I mean, if I was in control of anything
at all, would I be the newest resident of the same small town that I’d plotted
to escape as a teenager? No. Hard pass. But that was the problem with big
plans and the rate at which spinach went bad in my fridge and the whole
damn world: I couldn’t control any of it.
Another thing I knew was that this messy, chaotic universe loved to
hand me things I didn’t see coming and didn’t know how to handle. But the
joke was on the universe because I loved mess and chaos, and I was an
expert at figuring it out as I went. I could even pretend it was part of my
plan all along.

My present chaos was a series of mostly happy accidents that forced me
to push the far limits of figuring it out. There was no pretense of a plan. No
one could’ve anticipated any of this and I was still impressed at how I was
tap dancing my way through these flails and flops.
Exhibit A. Last summer, I won the deed to an abandoned bait shop on a
random piece of waterfront in a poker game with a bunch of real estate
moguls. As one does. Imagine the jump scare at realizing this property was
located in my small hometown of Friendship, Rhode Island—and was the
meeting place for all the area raccoons. I was hoping one of those real estate
guys would be happy to win the bait shop back the next time they played
poker at my tavern but the universe swooped in with a hearty chuckle of
“You fucked around, now it’s time to find out!”

Exhibit B. My boss Murtagh—the crustiest, curmudgeoniest man on
any planet—decided to close up The Soggy Dog, the tavern he’d owned
forever and a day. While Murtagh was a complete grumble bucket, he’d let
me run the tavern for almost two years, kept his complaining about my
regular time off for travel adventures to a low snarl, and only threatened to
fire me once or twice a week.

Losing that job was my least favorite kind of
mess, and seeing as I’d spent the past handful of years following my moods
from New York to Boston to Maine to Rhode Island, I didn’t have a solid
next step lined up. But crusty old Murtagh made out like a bandit when he
sold the building he’d owned since around the time of the Louisiana
Purchase, and he gave me a small chunk of change from the proceeds for, as
he put it, “not being useless.”

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