Shifters and Sweets Collection by Zoe Chant EPUB & PDF

Shifters and Sweets Collection by Zoe Chant EPUB & PDF

Shifters and Sweets Collection by Zoe Chant EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Zoe Chant
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.8 MB
  • Price: Free

Hmm, Gale MacEwan thought, slowing his car to a
crawl as he stared out the window at the
storefronts lining the street, that one might just

Either way, he’d have to hurry up and make a decision
soon, before someone reported a guy – him – driving very
slowly down the street and staring out of his car window
with intent. Except in this instance, his only intent was to try
and buy lunch without causing an incident or creating a
scene. Something that was becoming harder and harder over
the past few days.

Unless, he thought, addressing his unicorn where it sat
inside his head, just as it always had, you want to be
cooperative for once?

The unicorn didn’t answer him in words – it just twitched
its tail and tossed its head haughtily, pure white mane
shimmering, single silver horn glistening.

Just as I suspected, Gale thought grimly. Not a chance.
He usually got along well with his unicorn – usually. Of
course it could be ornery and pushy, but that was just part
and parcel of sharing your head with a mythical being who
was always very certain of exactly what it wanted, and when
it wanted it. Gale was used to its ways, and he’d learned to
ignore it if he couldn’t give it what it wanted the moment it
wanted it.

But that had been before.
Before his unicorn had decided to send his life to hell in a
handbasket, for absolutely no reason that Gale could figure
out. Before it had decided that it’d put its unicorn powers to
use not for good, but for… well, evil might be putting it a bit
too strongly. But, certainly, inconvenience was not.

The powers that came with being a unicorn were just as
ancient as unicorns themselves. Gale’s parents had taught
him how to use them from the time he’d been a young boy –
how a unicorn’s natural harmony with nature could be used
to grow plants from even the most barren of soils, how it
could be used to grow and nurture all the bounty the planet
had to offer. The plants that grew by a unicorn’s hand would
be much more lush and green than any others – and the
fruits and vegetables they tended would be far more delicious
and flavorful.

That was how he’d gotten his job, when he’d first decided
he wanted to leave his small town, populated mainly by
other unicorns, to see what else the world had to offer him.

He’d been a sous chef, working at a restaurant that was
famed for growing its own produce, even in the heart of the
city – and while Gale had enjoyed his work, there was no
getting around the fact that the typical eighty-hour work
week working at a busy restaurant was a grind.

He’d been getting burned out. He’d wake up, go to work,
get home, go to sleep. That had been his life. More than
once, he’d thought about returning home to his sleepy little
unicorn town – but every time, he’d decided to put his head

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