Shifted Love, Vol. 3 by Fiona Davenport EPUB & PDF

Shifted Love, Vol. 3 (#7-9) by Fiona Davenport EPUB & PDF

Shifted Love, Vol. 3 (#7-9) by Fiona Davenport EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Fiona Davenport
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.4 MB
  • Price: Free

I hadn’t been able to protect my animal side from the evil human’s
mistreatment. Not that I was even sure my falcon would have let me try.
She’d seen how the man had treated the other animals in his basement and
didn’t want to see what horrible things he would’ve done to me in my
human form. Especially not after he’d told me what had happened to some
of the shifters he’d sold to a group who were auctioning them off to the
highest bidder.

Judging by the monk parakeet, California condor, golden eagle, and
trumpeter swan locked up with me in the basement, the man was obsessed
with birds that were illegal to own. That was the only reason he hadn’t sold
me. Because he wanted to keep me for himself. But that hadn’t stopped him
from threatening me with a fate worse than death.

I never expected to be saved. After spending nearly a full year trapped
in his basement, I had lost all hope of being rescued. I was too
malnourished to shift when he finally freed me from my small prison, only
to butcher my falcon’s wings while trying to clip them to keep me from
flying. When he shoved me right back into the cage, I prayed for my death.

Only one day later, the impossible happened. Police invaded his house
and dragged him away in handcuffs, ranting and raving about how he’d get
us all back as soon as he was out of jail. They sent people from animal
control into the basement to check our condition, and the woman who
opened the door of my cage cried when she saw the condition of my wings.
As happy as I was to be freed from my prison, my falcon screeched and
nipped at her for daring to come close. I didn’t want to hurt her, but I didn’t
trust humans to touch me. Not after the treatment I’d endured at the hands
of that man.

Afraid of what my tomial tooth could do to her soft skin, the woman
slammed my cage back shut again. I stayed there, watching as the humans
assessed the condition of the other animals, content to remain in my cage
until a man with short ash-blond hair and blue eyes came striding into the
basement. He was dressed casually in jeans, biker boots, a T-shirt, and a
leather vest emblazoned with the crest for an MC called Silver Saints, but
he had an air of authority about him. One that even the cops seemed to
respect since they cleared the room at his request.

When the door that led to the basement was closed, he moved closer. He
didn’t stop when I screeched. Instead, he quickly undid the latch on my
cage before taking several steps back. I wasn’t sure why having him open
the door was different than it’d been with the female who had tried earlier,

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