Shattered Kingdom by Sara Snow EPUB & PDF

Shattered Kingdom by Sara Snow EPUB & PDF

Shattered Kingdom by Sara Snow EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author:Sara Snow
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Teen & Young Adult Dark Fantasy eBooks
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Once upon a time, there was a great kingdom made and protected by
magic. Only those who were worthy of entering could find
themselves there. All was well in this great kingdom until an evil presence
lay waste to the land and the magic that lived there. Some say it remains
undisturbed to this day, protected by a great and terrible beast. No one who
had confronted the beast ever lived to tell the tale of its horrors. According
to legend, the beast is said to be able to devour humans whole…”
My words trailed off into silence as I heard the soft snoring of my father
in the bed before me.

I let out a shaky breath through my parted lips as I shut the book quietly.
He’s finally asleep, I thought. Hearing me read had always helped him
to doze off easier.
After the dreadful night he’d had, we needed it.
I looked at the porcelain bowl with bloodstained towels hanging out of
it. I couldn’t believe he’d coughed up so much blood.

Even the village doctor said he had never seen anything like it. He
suggested that my father may be cursed, but I couldn’t help laughing at this.
Cursed? These people and their superstitions!
My father was terribly ill from something wrong inside his body. Just
because the doctor couldn’t find the cause, didn’t mean something
supernatural was going on here.

As I nibbled on my bottom lip pensively, I leaned back in the little
wooden chair I was sitting in and twisted my neck a little to the side. This
gave me a reasonable view of the forest line.
If there even were such a thing as curses, then surely that would be the
place they flourished. The Forest of Sorrows was shrouded in such mystery,
helped on by so many tales of strange creatures and impossible horrors to
be found there, that there was no telling where truth began and fiction

I had never seen anything cursed or magical myself, so I couldn’t
exactly corroborate. How could I if I had never even left the confines of this
little village?
Even if I’d wanted to keep walking as far as my legs could carry me
every moment of every day, I couldn’t leave. I was needed here…
My eyes found my father, who was peacefully sleeping.
My body was overtaken by exhaustion.

Perhaps I could steal an hour or two of sleep before—
“Soph! The pigs escaped the fence again!” A familiar and grating voice
tore through the silence of my interrupted slumber.
I leaned my head back over the headrest of the chair and groaned before
jumping up. If I didn’t go to her quickly, she was bound to wake Father. I
opened the door to find my three sisters and two brothers standing outside.

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