Shadows of the Moon by Nicole LaBrocca EPUB & PDF

Shadows of the Moon (SHADOWS AND SMOKE #1) by Nicole LaBrocca EPUB & PDF

Shadows of the Moon (SHADOWS AND SMOKE #1) by Nicole LaBrocca EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Nicole LaBrocca
  • Language: English
  • Genre: fantasy romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.1 MB
  • Price: Free

Ana’s finger trembled, hovering over Ben’s phone number like a butterfly
poised on a thorn. In her world of reflex hammers and comforting
reassurances, blind dates felt like a foreign language. Her passion blazed for
science, tirelessly examining the intricate network of muscle and nerves and
willing life into paralyzed limbs using the tools of rehabilitation. As a
physiotherapist, she wasn’t a surgeon of scalpels and sutures but a weaver
of hope, stitching together shattered bodies and broken lives.

She was supposed to go out on a blind date her bestie, Kember, had set
up for her, but now that it gotten closer to the time for the guy to pick her
up, she was waffling in her decision. She hadn’t even bothered to look up
his picture online. Kember’s words about appearances not defining a
person’s worth pulsed in her mind.

Reluctantly, she decided she had to go, solely because her best friend
insisted. The only upside? The Yellow Dog Café was known for their crab
bisque, and even a disastrous date couldn’t spoil a steaming bowl.
As she sat on her covered porch debating whether to leave its sanctuary
or stay and enjoy this pleasant Florida night, Ana gazed out at the unusually
large moon, its silver light painting an almost magical scene. Did she really
want to leave this beautiful view for a date with someone she’d never met?

Tig, her orange cat, curled contentedly on her lap, further dampening
her desire to move, and she closed her eyes for a moment. A shiver danced
down her spine as she recalled the eerie fiction novel she’d just finished.

Filled with tales of magic, werewolves howling under blood-red moons,
and fantastical creatures lurking in forgotten corners, it had left her
imagination running wild. A logical part of her mind, however, scoffed at
the childish thrill that crept in. The calming chirps of tree frogs and the soft
whispers of night birds grounded her in reality.

Then, summoning her determination, Ana took a deep breath but called
“Ana?” Kember answered, her voice laced with concern. “Is everything
all right?”

Just as Ana opened her mouth, a loud snap reverberated through the
decking. On her lap, Tig sprang to her feet, fur bristling, and disappeared
into the safety of the garden. Another ear-splitting crack ripped through the
air as the roof shattered above her.

“Kember, help,” she shouted, but her words were cut short as the call

Ana attempted to flee, but another jolt sent her sprawling. The
deafening sound of crumbling earth and splintering wood echoed. The acrid
smell of dust and debris stung her nostrils, choking her. She desperately
reached out to seize the railing with one hand. Yet, that, too, groaned, the
nails screeching from being torn from the posts.

The rough, weathered
lumber splintered beneath her desperate grip, sending a jolt of pain through
her fingers. Panic, hot and icy, flooded her veins as the porch groaned.
The ground, once solid and familiar, yawned open below her house,
transforming into a ravenous maw. Terror gripped her heart as the hole
continued to devour her home and belongings. Creaks and groans, like
some weird break-up symphony from hell, accompanied her home’s

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