Service Before Self by J.L. Gribble EPUB & PDF

Service Before Self (CORE VALUES SELECTION) by J.L. Gribble EPUB & PDF

Service Before Self (CORE VALUES SELECTION) by J.L. Gribble EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: J.L. Gribble
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.5 MB
  • Price: Free

“WAIT, YOU’RE IN THE Air Force? Does that mean you’re a pilot?”
The embarrassingly cliché question came from the man sitting across the
high-top table from Alex. Years of dealing with officers who didn’t
understand his job allowed him to keep a straight face, especially when he
wasn’t sure whether to laugh or sigh. His profile on the dating app listed his
occupation as ‘IT professional.’ He explicitly mentioned his day job doing
IT help desk work during the first five minutes of this date.
Alex could still salvage his night. The guy—Casey—was hot, even with
his forehead crimped in adorable confusion.

After covering his drawn-out silence with a hasty sip of beer, Alex
plastered on his customer service smile. Looked an awful lot like the one he
used for officers, too. “No, my job isn’t even with the aircraft on our base. I
do computer stuff for the Maryland Air National Guard one weekend a
month along with my day job.”

“Oh.” Casey’s confusion shifted into disappointment, then he perked up.
“Thank you for your service.”
Alex mentally face-palmed. He preferred navigating this awkward
interaction with well-meaning strangers. Not with the guy he’d kind of
wanted to fuck later. Or be fucked by. He wasn’t picky. “Thank you for
your support.”

They’d paid at the bar when they arrived, so Alex drained his beer instead
of struggling through another eternity of this conversation. This bar wasn’t
his favorite for a Saturday night date, and the growing crowd meant shifting
closer to talk. At least the guy smelled good when Alex leaned into his
space. “Did you want to get out of here?”

“God, yes.” Casey tossed back the final splash of his cocktail and hopped
off his stool, face brightening. “I’ve wanted to climb you like a tree since I
first found you on the app.”

That pleasing news turned the evening around so fast that Alex almost got
whiplash. “Consider me your jungle gym for the evening.” Six-foot-even
made him a decent height thanks to his muddled American genetics. Casey
was a twink, through and through, and almost a head shorter. Alex may not
have a particular type, but he always enjoyed a guy a little smaller than him.
The romantic chemistry might not be there, but he could indulge in the
physical sparks tonight even if they never messaged each other again.

Another couple swooped for their empty table, and they edged through
the crowd toward the exit. Once clear of the front doors, Casey tugged his
phone from his pocket. “Let me put your address in my GPS.”

Time for the awkward bit, especially jarring in the outside silence after
the noise inside. Alex rubbed the back of his head and attempted the
appropriate blend of contrition and resignation. “Sorry, I can’t host. I live
with my sister.” And damned thin walls separated his bedroom from

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