Seduction on a Snowy Night by Mary Jo Putney EPUB & PDF

Seduction on a Snowy Night by Mary Jo Putney EPUB & PDF

Seduction on a Snowy Night by Mary Jo Putney EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Mary Jo Putney
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Regency Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Thirty miles out of Carlisle, the light snow turned to rain. For Adam
Prescott, Baron Thornhill, it was a fitting end to a miserable journey.
By the time the mail coach careened around a bend and slowed to a stop
in the coaching inn’s yard, his greatcoat hung heavy with damp and a steady
stream dribbled off his hat’s brim onto his nose. He told himself that even
this was better than being inside the coach with Mr. Liddle, an odiferous
gentleman whose fashionable garments did not mask a lack of washing.
Adam felt bad for the two elderly ladies inside who could not take refuge in
the open air on the top of the coach. One had gazed longingly when he did
so himself at the first stop outside London.

Now he climbed down to stretch his legs while the coach changed horses
for the final stage of the journey. The other passengers hurried inside to
warm themselves, but his mood did not beg for company. Rather he paced
the yard for a few minutes, then took refuge under the inn’s eaves and
watched the steady drizzle make tiny ponds in the dirt.
Thirty miles more and he would be in another coach, this time with a
warming pan and a fur rug, and with a velvet cushion under his ass instead
of a board. No one would crowd him and no one would, heaven forbid,
smell. After a pleasant afternoon ride through the country he would be
welcomed into his cousin’s family for a week of unfettered luxury at
someone else’s expense.

And after that, an entire lifetime of comfort, if Nigel’s plan worked.
With such promise awaiting him at the end of this journey, he shouldn’t
even notice the rain or smells or his sore hindquarters. He should be
dreaming about the fortune within reach.

So why wasn’t he?
He had begun turning his mind to the unfortunate answer to that question
when a disturbance distracted him. Scuffles sounded around the corner of
the inn. Ruffians were engaged in a fight from the sounds of it. He took a
step in the opposite direction; then a voice caught him up short. “Unhand
me, you rogue,” a woman hissed lowly before she gave a short cry.
Any inclination to retreat disappeared. He pivoted and marched to the
end of the inn, then turned the corner.

And found himself facing the end of a pistol barrel. He stared, frozen in
A young blond-haired man in a broad, rustic hat held the gun high,
peering down its sights. Not that Adam noticed him much, due to that pistol
being so close to his face. Nor did he much note the bit of skirt disappearing
around the back of the inn, although he absorbed he had been the victim of
a ruse.

“You come this way now,” the man said, stepping back. “I said this way.
Are you looking to see me fire?”
Adam took a slow step forward. “I was merely distracted by how very
large and black this end of a pistol appears when it is all but up your nose.”
“A bit more now.” The man took another two steps back.

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