Secrets and Stardust by Jeannin Counts EPUB & PDF

Secrets and Stardust (CELESTIAL WHISPERS #1) by Jeannin Counts EPUB & PDF

Secrets and Stardust (CELESTIAL WHISPERS #1) by Jeannin Counts EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jeannin Counts
  • Language: English
  • Genre: fantasy romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 8.4 MB
  • Price: Free

Dried sweet peppers, coconut oil, water from an untouched oasis…
Iyana Astalle stood at her workstation, attempting to recall the last
few ingredients for the potion. What was she forgetting?
She could simply ask her grandmother for the answer, but she was
desperate to prove she was ready to become a fully initiated healer soon.
She was almost at the end of her training, so it was embarrassing to admit
that she couldn’t remember a simple recipe. Concentrated mango juice, she
remembered with sudden clarity.

She reached across the table for the container. After adding the correct
amount to the concoction, she wrapped her hands around the glass jar and
focused. The magic eluded her as it always did. Although she knew her
magic wouldn’t be fully unlocked until her grandmother blessed her and she
earned the placement of the ouroboros tattoo that would encircle her wrist,
there were times she almost sensed it slithering underneath her skin,

seeking a way out. She called forth that elusive feeling now. It felt slightly
stronger than before. Concentrating, trying to coax the magic free, her eyes
drifted shut. Suddenly, a shout from next door broke her focus.

The glass jar crashed to the floor as she was jolted out of her trance.
Shattered glass sprayed in every direction, and the potion was no longer

“Shit,” Iyana muttered. Phaedros take her, that was her last glass jar, and
it had been two years since any merchants had come through Imothia. Her
village was isolated near the base of the mountain range separating Athusa
and Istora, and not many wanted to brave the Istorian desert other than her
people, who had lived there for centuries. She’d have to borrow one from
her grandmother. Iyana winced; she really didn’t want another lecture.
“Iyana, I swear to the old gods if you aren’t over here in the next

She grabbed her medical bag on her way out the door. Her grandmother,
Mata Imo, hated wasting time. Rushing next door, Iyana grabbed the frame
of her grandmother’s hut and swung inside.
“Finally, child,” she said. “Let’s go. Imelda’s labor has started.” This was
excellent news—Imelda was close to two weeks overdue, and they were
almost at the point where they would have to induce labor. It was a
dangerous and unreliable process for both the mother and the babe.

Iyana and her grandmother ambled towards Imelda’s side of the village.
Iyana was buzzing with nervous energy and wanted to move faster, but she
went at her grandmother’s shuffling pace. Huts with thatched roofs were
dispersed throughout the village with no organization system—families
typically lived close together, so older generations could help with the
youngest. It created a cluster of dwellings without dedicated streets or
property lines. Iyana loved it.

She and her grandmother lived on the
outskirts, where it was the quietest. A group of children ran by them,
heedless of the heat, playing with a ball and shouting hello to their healer.
Imo chuckled as they streaked past.

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