Secret Marriage To My Bosshole by Jaclyn Hartley EPUB & PDF

Secret Marriage To My Bosshole by Jaclyn Hartley EPUB & PDF

Secret Marriage To My Bosshole by Jaclyn Hartley EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jaclyn Hartley
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


STARING AT THE COLORADO Mountains from my hotel room, I realize
this corporate retreat is less of a “bonding experience” and more “bored to
Add in Griffin Blake, my boss and personal sunshine, and I’m officially
on vacation from hell.
When I became the personal assistant for the biggest asshole I’ve ever
met, I didn’t think my job duties would mean being forced to go on a trip
like this.

Although, I didn’t have many options when it came to getting a job.
Griffin was my solution, and I’ve been doing my best to avoid him
whenever I can.
Which is why I’m currently locked in my hotel room instead of at the
pool with the lawyers.
I let out a dramatic groan, eyes locked on the computer screen as if my
stare might magically erase the mountain of debt staring back at me.
It’s like my bank account is mocking me, whispering, “You really thought
Victor was a catch, huh?”
It’s going to take a couple of years just to dig myself out of the hole he put
me in—even longer if I do anything that causes me to lose my job.
Which I might.

Spending days and nights catering to Griffin’s every whim is getting old. I
have half a mind to tell him where to go, and the other half is set on telling
him how to get there.
A knock on my door draws me away from the tempting thoughts of
throttling the man who has made my life miserable since I was a child.
I glare at the numbers one last time before getting off the plush bed. As I
pad my way across the cream-colored carpet, I try to come up with an
excuse for why I will not be joining the rest of the staff at the pool.
I only crack the door, but Kaleigh barges her way in with a bottle of
champagne in hand.

“I thought you could use a little bit of fun,” She says, setting the bottle on
the desk and kicking off her heels. “It’s time to pre-game before we go out
to find ourselves a bar.”

“Would telling you that I want to be alone for the rest of the night do any
good?” I smile as I grab the champagne glasses from the minibar.
Kaleigh shakes her head and snatches the bottle up to pop it open. “Not
even one bit. I’ve been hanging out with the men all day, and I’m desperate
for a little woman time.”

“It couldn’t have been that bad.”
She gives me a flat look before her blue eyes roll. “If I have to hear how
lucky I am because I got a good position at a prestigious corporate law firm,
I’m going to lose my damn mind.”

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