Second Chance Romance by Carol Mason EPUB & PDF

Second Chance Romance by Carol Mason EPUB & PDF

Second Chance Romance by Carol Mason EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Carol Mason
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.4 MB
  • Price: Free

I’ve never been a person who loves surprises. Probably because I’ve got a
history of them being horrible ones. So, when I get my daughter’s cryptic
little text this morning, Lunch in Venice? Something to tell you… my first
thought is I’d probably look forward to meeting the Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse more than I’m looking forward to this.

Can’t wait! I respond. Exciting!
I spot her already seated on the patio, essentially a converted parking lot
just a stone’s throw from the sand. Harriet is the only non-Instagramming
nineteen-year-old I know who could waltz into a buzzy new bistro in Venice
Beach, California, without a reservation and still manage to land the perfect
table – in a shaded, semi-private corner against a backdrop of sand and
palm trees.

Close by on the boardwalk, an elderly black woman sits on a
director’s chair under a rainbow-coloured umbrella, singing a charmingly
coy rendition of ‘My Girl’ that she’s re-lyricised to ‘My Guy’, pausing to
smile and thank the passers-by who throw a dollar into her canary-yellow

‘So, Mum…’ Harriet tugs her ponytail over her shoulder, absently
combing her fingers through its silky chestnut length. ‘I really don’t know
how to say this, so I’m just going to come right out with it, if that’s okay…’
She draws a big breath in, then pushes it out. ‘I’ve met someone. A guy.
And, well, I think he’s the one.’

‘Very funny.’ Harriet can have a quirky sense of humour at times. ‘Now
what’s the real news?’

She gives me her steady, sanguine stare. The blue gaze of reason. The
one that attracts a lot of truth-seekers and good friends. And then she says,
‘Er… Mum… That is the real news. I’ve met a guy. We’re in love. And it’s
quite possible I’m going to marry him.’

I play this back. Clearly, there’s a blockage between my ears, and the
information won’t properly penetrate. ‘Marry?’ I repeat it like it’s a death
sentence. She didn’t really say ‘marry’? ‘But you don’t even have a
boyfriend. You can’t have. How can you be in love when we’ve only been
in America two minutes?’

‘I know!’ she almost sings. ‘I met him on my first day. Six weeks ago. I
was at the campus taco truck. I’d just bought lunch, and then, oh my God, I
dropped the thing! The whole taco just… splat on the ground.’ She throws
up her hands with delight. ‘And there I am staring at it, and then I hear this
voice. And this guy says, “You know, your face is priceless right about
now.”’ She chuckles.

‘He said I looked like the kid who drops their ice
cream and is about to bawl tears. And then he said he’d actually snapped a
picture of me! He said he’d send it to me if I gave him my number.’

My jaw has dropped so far it has practically become unhinged. ‘Well,’ I
say. ‘That’s rather calculating of him. A little bit unscrupulous. Is it even
legal? I don’t think you can just go around snapping photos of people these
days without their permission.’

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