Searching for Pandora by Jen Talty EPUB & PDF

Searching for Pandora (FALLPORT RESCUE OPERATIONS #3) by Jen Talty EPUB & PDF

Searching for Pandora (FALLPORT RESCUE OPERATIONS #3) by Jen Talty EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jen Talty
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.3 MB
  • Price: Free

Blaze Wright rolled to a stop in front of Old Town Auto on Main Street in
Fallport, Virginia. He put his shiny new pickup in park and let out a long
breath. He’d been in the great state of Virginia before, but never Fallport,
yet he felt as though he knew the place thanks to his old buddy, Brock

It had been four years since he’d seen Brock and a lot had happened.
Good things for Brock.
Not so good things for Blaze.
Blaze’s life was shit. The majority of his problems were his own damn

But some were not.
Either way, Blaze’s life was going nowhere fast. His career in the
Marines was over at forty. He’d given the military twenty-two years of his
life and he honestly didn’t regret a single day of it.
Except one.

And that day had been the reason he hadn’t re-enlisted. Otherwise, he
might have signed up for another four years. He wasn’t that old. His body
was in good shape. He could have done more time.

But he didn’t have it in him. He had nothing left. His heart and soul
were void. He’d spent the last four months figuring out if he could go on.
The only answer he’d found was he didn’t have the balls to put himself out
of his misery. The only option left was to go west. He’d find a way to bury
himself out there.

He had no one left and everything he owned was in the back of his new
damn truck.
Pathetic when he thought about it, so he tried not to.
He shut off the engine and slipped from the vehicle. He’d made a
promise to Brock and he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to keep it.
Although, part of him wanted to keep driving. Maybe to Colorado. Or Utah.
He always loved hiking out there and there were many thrill-seeking
opportunities that could get his adrenaline pumping and put his life in
harm’s way.

A memory of him and Brock hiking in Utah filled his brain. It had been
one of the most exhilarating trips he’d ever been on. The best part about
hiking with Brock was the man pushed Blaze, hard. And Brock didn’t need
to talk. Nope. He was one with nature.

It was refreshing to spend time with him and not have to discuss all of
life’s problems.
Only, this time, Blaze figured he wouldn’t get away with keeping his
shitty-ass life to himself because Brock had already hammered him once on
the phone.

This would be a short trip. A day or two. Blaze couldn’t stand to be
where people knew him. Knew his past. Knew his pain.
Sucking in a deep breath, and mentally preparing himself for being a
human, which was difficult these days, Blaze opened the door to his
buddy’s auto shop. A gentleman stood behind the counter.

“May I help you?” the man asked.
“Yeah. I’m here to see Brock. He’s expecting me. The name’s Blaze.”
“Right. Brock’s in the back. Go right ahead.” The man pointed toward
the door to the shop. “He’s working on a blue vintage Mustang. You can’t
miss it.”

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