Seal of Approval by Cynthia Terelst EPUB & PDF

Seal of Approval (LOVE DOWN UNDER) by Cynthia Terelst EPUB & PDF

Seal of Approval (LOVE DOWN UNDER) by Cynthia Terelst EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Cynthia Terelst
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Rose crossed her arms and dropped onto the couch. Nine years of
stubbornness flashed in her blue eyes. “I’m not sharing a room with him.”
She threw a piercing glare at her brother.
Bailey’s head whipped in her direction, his mouth opening to offer a

I sighed, cutting him off. “You have no choice. The new ranger, Ethan,
is arriving in two days.”
Being a mum was hard sometimes, and this was one of those times.
How many repetitions of this same conversation did we need to have?
“Why does he have to live here?” Rose’s arms tightened across her

Bailey rolled his eyes skyward. If they lifted any higher, they’d hit the
ceiling. My lips quirked. Rose stilled them with a pointed stare.
“The house Ethan was moving into is being renovated and isn’t ready

Rose could be as stubborn as she wanted, but it wouldn’t change the fact
that the new part-time ranger would soon be sharing our house. I didn’t like
it either. I liked our peaceful life and the easy routine we’d built over the
last five years since we’d moved here.

“Why can’t he live somewhere else?” Rose said.
“It’s tourist season. All the other houses are taken.”
The only movement from either child came from Bailey, whose glare
switched from his sister to me. I wasn’t going to be ambushed by an elevenyear-old and a nine-year-old.
“You either help me move your stuff or I’ll do it myself.” I walked off
towards Bailey’s bedroom.

“If you don’t like where I put everything, that’s
your problem.” Five metres out from the bedroom, and there was no
movement behind me. Two metres. Nothing. I reached the doorway and
stepped inside. As I tied my long brown hair into a ponytail, Bailey arrived
at my side. I smiled to myself. I knew calling their bluff would work. There
was no way he’d want me to mess up his stuff.

“I know it will be squishy, but hopefully Ethan won’t have to stay
long,” I said.
I turned back to the couch. Rose was still there, not willing to admit
defeat yet. She would. As soon as we started moving things into her room.
“We’ll need to move your bookcase and books into the living room,” I
said to Bailey. “And Rose’s too,” I added loud enough for her to hear, “so
your bed will fit.”

Rose ran to her room. “I’ll move my books. They have to go in the
exact same order.”

I left them with that task and started to move Bailey’s clothes. I knew
exactly how they felt about Ethan moving in. Head office thought Ethan
moving in with us, rather than living in Somewhere Bay thirty minutes
away, was ideal. I didn’t think having our space invaded by a stranger was

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