Scorsolini Baby Scandal by Lucy Monroe EPUB & PDF

Scorsolini Baby Scandal (PASSIONATE BILLIONAIRES & ROYALS) by Lucy Monroe EPUB & PDF

Scorsolini Baby Scandal (PASSIONATE BILLIONAIRES & ROYALS) by Lucy Monroe EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Lucy Monroe
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

A Prince in the Piazza
I am Principe Vittorio Micheli Scorsolini, third in line to the throne of
Isole dei Re and trained from the cradle to be self-possessed even in the
face of country-wide catastrophe.
Yet, when the most compellingly beautiful woman I have ever seen
walks by, I trip over my own feet.

Twenty-five years of training kick in, and I stop myself from falling,
pivoting to follow the vision of loveliness crossing Palermo’s Piazza
Pretoria. The view is as beguiling from the back as the front, although her
hat’s wide brim obscures most of her hair.

What I did see is rich brown with golden highlights, falling in silky
waves to her shoulders and framing a face worthy of a Botticelli. If
Botticelli’s Muses had worn Chanel sunglasses and backless white
sundresses with a plunging neckline.
There’s too much of the tanned skin on her back on display for her to
be wearing a bra.

My dick engorges to semi-hardness in a single heartbeat.
Wanting another glimpse of her mouthwatering cleavage, I quicken my
steps to catch up with her.

Her strappy sandals add three inches to her already statuesque height,
but she walks with elegant grace, her hips swaying enticingly.
My beauty stops in front of the Fontana Pretoria and lifts her phone for
a selfie giving me what I want. Another view of her appealing curves from
the front. Papa would throw a blanket over my sister if she wore something
that revealed so much flesh.

As Crown Princess to the throne of Isole dei Re, Elena would never
think to wear a dress like the one gracing the delicious figure of my

Primal satisfaction courses through me that this woman is not
hampered by the same expectations.
Frowning, the beautiful woman shifts her position and takes another
selfie, but shakes her head.

Never slow to take advantage of an opportunity when presented, I step
forward. “Would you like me to take a picture of you in front of the

I sound so damn formal. I’ve tried relaxing my speech, but it feels like
I’m pretending to be someone I’m not. People will accept me for who I am,
or not at all.

The English is a calculated risk though. Most tourists speak at least
some English. Though with her perfectly oval face, defined cheekbones and
narrow nose, the other option I consider is Castilian Spanish.

She drops the hand holding her phone and eyes warm with humor meet
mine through the light tint of her sunglasses. “You noticed my pathetic
attempts to get both me and the fountain framed in my shot?”

“Sì.” I manage a passably coherent affirmative, mesmerized by the soft
contralto of her tone.
“That’s a Sicilian yes, not Spanish.” She cocks her head to one side,
looking at me with curiosity.

“It is. I would be happy to…” I offer again, waving between her, the
camera and the fountain.
Lightly glossed, bow shaped lips curve in a smile. “That would be

The response isn’t anything out of the norm. However, the breathy
quality in her voice and the way she leans toward me without seeming to
realize she’s doing it tells me this instant and overwhelming attraction is not

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