Scars of Salt and Silver by Indiana Rose EPUB & PDF

Scars of Salt and Silver by Indiana Rose EPUB & PDF

Scars of Salt and Silver by Indiana Rose EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author Name: Indiana Rose
  • Book Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance, Young Adult Fantasy, Fae, Fiction, Fairies
  • ISBN # 
  • Edition Language: English
  • Date of Publication: April 4, 2022
  • File Name Format : PDF / EPUB
  • PDF / EPUB File Size: 3 MB

Ten years later 
Freya took a steadying breath before ducking into the dark alcove of a
seemingly ordinary house. It was a particularly muggy night, the air damp
with salty sea breeze trapped between the townhouses crowding narrow
cobblestone streets.

The cloak hanging off her shoulders imprisoned her body
heat. She wished that she didn’t have to wear the damned thing. Her fingers
brushed against the rough wood of a door. She cast a quick glance around the
street. It was empty, aside from a lazy smog made ghoulish by stray window
candlelight. Her knuckles rapt: once, twice, three times.

A minute later, a shaft of bronze light appeared from a grate in the door,
illuminating her face. She blinked from beneath her hood.
A man squinted through the bars, his beady eyes sweeping Freya up and
down from beneath bushy white brows.
“Miss Willowray?” He adjusted the spectacles bridging his nose. “Is that

Freya offered a weak smile. She felt sick. “Good evening, Mr Tomlin.”
The wooden door swung open, and Mr Tomlin’s wiry figure filled the frame.
He gave Freya a dubious once-over and pressed his lips together. “You’re here
for the wake.”

It wasn’t a question. Nor was a wake being held in this house. The Risers
only ever referred to their meetings publicly as wakes, in order to deter
eavesdroppers or passers-by. No one wanted to find themselves among a room
full of lamenting friends and family, grieving someone they had never met. She
supposed the Risers were mourning – not a person but a way of life.

After the city was left a cindering, splintered mess from the raids, and many
of its citizens had been slaughtered in the streets, the Risers had formed to
rebuild the city. Back then it had only been a rag-tag team of able-bodied men
and women who wanted to ensure something like the raids never happened
again. So that children like Freya would never again be ripped from their
homes and families. Now, they were an exclusive society. A mixture of
businessmen and women combined with a secret dabbling of nobility.

Freya had never truly been a part of them, not in spirit. Her allegiance to
them was forged from a different interest. A sense of self-preservation. She
had joined the Risers when she was nine years old, half-starved, bloodied and
bruised. An old woman had found her as she sifted through the ash and
cinders, crying her father’s name. That woman had asked something of Freya
that night. Offered her a deal. That had been the beginning of it all, of the
game Freya had spent the last ten years playing. A game where information
was a currency, and knowledge was power. A way to survive in an otherwise
callous and exploitative world.

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