Scammed (GRAY WOLF SECURITY #7) by Mary Kennedy EPUB & PDF

Scammed (GRAY WOLF SECURITY #7) by Mary Kennedy EPUB & PDF

Scammed (GRAY WOLF SECURITY #7) by Mary Kennedy EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Mary Kennedy
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“How are we all feeling?” asked Gaspar, staring at the senior team
members of Gray Wolf Security. They were still reeling from the news of
Matthew and Irene, and many weren’t sure what to think. Gaspar was
included in that.

“Still spinning a bit, to be honest with you,” said Wilson. “I mean,
we always knew your parents were special, but even this seems out there
and unfathomable. No disrespect intended.”
“I know what you mean,” said Gaspar. “Believe me, it’s a shock to
us as well, although in many ways it’s not a shock.”
“I have a question,” said Bull. They turned to stare at their friend.

He was rubbing his jaw, unsure of how to ask his thoughts. “Well, I mean,
we know your Pops is an angel, a what did he call it, a principality angel.”

“That’s what he said,” nodded Gabe.
“But, your Mama never said a word. She never told us where all her
magic comes from. Your Pops said, ‘don’t discount her abilities,’ but no
one said what those were. Aren’t y’all curious?” he asked.

“Damn, Bull. You had to go and put that thought into my head,”
frowned Jean. “I was so taken aback by Pops I lost track of Mama.”
“You know what?” said Ghost. “They told us about Matthew when
it was time, and I suspect they’ll tell us about Irene when it’s time. I know
that we are all in good hands, being watched over. I can wait on this one.”

“Ghost is right,” smiled Baptiste. “Mama and Pops both are
magical in their own ways and aren’t we fucking lucky that they’re ours?

All of ours.”
The men all chuckled, nodding at their brother. Since their
announcement, there seemed to be a calm, a peace with the men, yet they
knew there were more secrets to come. More surprises that would leave
them shocked once again. Some of their anxiety and curiosity had been
settled and solved. They were okay and knew that they would always be
okay thanks to Matthew and Irene.

“One thing we do have to talk about,” said Ian, grinning at Gaspar,
“are the new residents at the petting g zoo.”
The entire room erupted in laughter, Gaspar shaking his head as he
flipped them all the bird. He’d lost that argument with his parents, his
father assuring him that they weren’t preparing for an ark, just helping the
animals most in need.

“Fuck all of you,” grinned Gaspar. “The giraffe is a beauty. Jura.
They’re working on a problem with her hooves, but the team feels sure
she’ll recover. The damn gorilla is acting like her mother and won’t let
anyone near her unless she’s standing right behind you. I swear to hell that
gorilla is human.”

“And the others?” grinned Ghost.
“Buddy and Bob are the two bison. I have to say, I was shocked at
how amazing and beautiful they are. And fucking big. They have access to
the air-conditioned stalls just in case it gets too hot here for them, but Lucy
assures me that they once roamed this part of the world as well.

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