Say You Will (TRUST & TEQUILA #3) by Evangeline Williams EPUB & PDF

Say You Will (TRUST & TEQUILA #3) by Evangeline Williams EPUB & PDF

Say You Will (TRUST & TEQUILA #3) by Evangeline Williams EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Evangeline Williams
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.4 MB
  • Price: Free

Present Day
Fire | Barns Courtney
I don’t give a shit that a yacht is on fire behind me. People, mostly men,
but some women, scream pointlessly in desperation, begging us to bring our
smaller crafts closer. To do something to save them.
There are no lifeboats or life jackets for the guests onboard Felicity’s
Folly. I know because I’m the one who made certain of it.
My brother Gabriel, dressed in black, approaches with a teenage girl
wrapped in a thin blanket. “Tell him what you told me,” he says, voice
altered by his obsidian helmet to a mechanical tone.

The girl, maybe fourteen years old, thin, with dark brown skin ashen from
stress, swallows hard. “You missed one of us. She was really little and
climbed inside a duffel bag because she thought no one would look there. I
didn’t know you were saving us.” The longer she speaks, the higher her
voice gets.

My gut tightens, but my voice, disguised by my own helmet, is matter-offact. “Same place I found you?”
“Yes. I’m sorry. I was afraid.”
“Not your fault. It’s going to be okay.” Gabriel soothes as he motions for
Brooke, one of the women on our team, to come over and take the girl back
to the others.

Punching something would be a waste of time. Instead, I radio our pilot.
We have three boats on the water and a helicopter above. “I’ve got a kid left
behind. Can you drop me back on deck?”
“Roger that. But if the fire spreads or approaches the fuselage, you’ll
need to find another way home.”

“Let me do it,” Gabriel insists.
“No, you coordinate with Dante to get me clear of the scene once I find
her. We may need someone in the water to retrieve us.”
“Don’t get yourself killed, Henry,” Gabriel grinds out.

“Not planning on it.”
A mid-October bluster cuts through the sturdy fabric of my clothing. If
possible, I’ll avoid the frigid water. The tactical gear weighs me down, but
leaving it behind isn’t an option. An audience watches my every move, so
reboarding with stealth is out. The ocean isn’t rough, but the waves lift and
fall, and my stomach drops with them.

We’d expected our quarry to head for the tropics, but at nearly the last
hour, they’d changed their plans, I assume in an attempt to avoid detection.
Above us, the helicopter moves into position, churning the steely gray sea
under overcast skies. My chief of security, Dante, in full gear, as all of us
are, drops a ladder and crouches in the opening, hanging onto the chopper
with one hand.

Launching onto the ladder, I secure myself with SPIE rigging. I fucking
hate heights. It took me nearly as long to learn how to force myself to
ignore my fear as it did to stop gagging at the sight of blood. I overcame
those visceral reactions long before I left my teens. Now, I spare them a
thought and move forward with what I need to do.

When I’m in position, the chopper flies me above the soon-to-be-sinking
ship. Cockroaches swarm as I approach. Anyone who sells or buys children

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