Say Yes to the Death by Madison Score EPUB & PDF

Say Yes to the Death (CLAIRE HARTLEY ACCIDENTAL MYSTERY #2) by Madison Score EPUB & PDF

Say Yes to the Death (CLAIRE HARTLEY ACCIDENTAL MYSTERY #2) by Madison Score EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Madison Score
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.7 MB
  • Price: Free

To Do:
– Hunt for antique frames
– Take Rosie to the groomer
The blast of a horn roused her from sleep.
What was happening? Where was she? This was wrong. All wrong.
Claire Hartley’s heart hammered in her chest. The neon lights of the city
blinded her as she leaned against the trunk of a white sedan. She bent at the
waist, breath coming in hitches. Her head was fuzzy, and her ears were
ringing like someone had just hit a gong with a sledgehammer. The concrete
sidewalk was warm beneath her bare feet. Something heavy and wet hit the
ground beside her.

Was that a taco?
“Ma’am? Are you okay? That truck almost hit you.” A teenage boy with
an afro and beat-up basketball sneakers knelt on the ground next to her,
fighting with the buttons on his flannel shirt.
A truck? That must have been the source of the noise and light that had
snapped her back to consciousness.

“I—I don’t know how I got here.” Dread snaked into her stomach, hot
and heavy like molten steel. She glanced at her watch. It was one in the
morning. What was that smell—moussaka? She scanned the city block. A
Greek restaurant four blocks from her apartment stood on the corner. How
in the hell had she gotten four blocks from her apartment in the middle of
the night with no memory of leaving?

She hadn’t been this disoriented since she woke up in a parking garage
tied to a pillar. At least this time there was a Good Samaritan standing in
front of her instead of a knife-wielding maniac.

The teenager removed his shirt and handed it to Claire. She glanced
down. She was totally wearing a shirt. Thank god. A startling number of
people had seen her blood-drenched yet somehow still extremely pale
breasts a few days ago. She wasn’t eager to add another to the list.

“You’re not wearing any pants,” he explained.
She glanced down again. Sure enough, she was standing in the middle
of the city of West Haven, Pennsylvania, wearing her oldest, most
comfortable underwear. Everyone on Market Street had an unimpeded view
of her granny panties. Goosebumps ran down the length of her legs.
Luke was not going to be happy about this. But maybe he hadn’t noticed
that she was missing.

“Thank you so much,” Claire said, taking the shirt and wrapping it
around her waist. It didn’t cover as much as she had hoped, but it was
probably enough to keep her from being arrested for indecent exposure. “Is
this your taco?”

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