Saving Zane by Kaci Rose EPUB & PDF

Saving Zane by Kaci Rose EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kaci Rose
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


Watching people’s mouths move but not being able to hear a word of it is
a very odd sensation. Sometimes they just try to speak louder and over
pronounce their words, thinking that maybe I’ll be able to read their lips but
I can’t.
Until a few weeks ago, I had my hearing. Then one bombing later, not
only do I have scars, PTSD, but worst, my world has gone completely

Though I’ve gotten some sick entertainment by watching people give up
trying to get me to understand them and finally write what they have to say.
I’ve got to say, this nurse is smart. She pulls out her phone and uses the text
to speech before turning it around to let me read it.
Later today, they will be here to transport you to Oakside. They’ve got
someone there who will teach you sign language. Your doctor visits and
physical therapy will all be on site. Do you have any questions?
Shaking my head no seems to satisfy her. I guess handing me a pamphlet
on Oakside is easier than trying to explain it to someone who can’t hear

The place looks interesting. Kind of like a fancy bed-and-breakfast for
healing injured military personnel. I have to say the food promised to be a
hell of a lot better than the barely identifiable meat substance I was given
for lunch today.

As I wait for them to come in and get me, I look over the pamphlet again.
When the nurse finally shows up, she insists on pushing me down in a
wheelchair with all my stuff in my lap. A long time ago, I learned not to
fight them on things like this. It was easier to just climb into the wheelchair
and let them take me wherever we’re going.
The ride over to Oakside is fairly easy, and it’s nice to see something other
than the walls of a hospital.

At least once I get to Oakside, they’re not insisting on a wheelchair
anymore. Why they were doing it the first place is a mystery. Though I
can’t hear, I can see just fine.
After driving down a tree lined driveway, we arrive at the large Plantation
style building-Oakside. Outside, ready to greet me is a man with a bunch of
scars with a beautiful blonde by his side. Greeting me, he smiles, handing
me a piece of paper.

I’m Noah and this is my wife, Lexi. We run Oakside and we’ll be showing
you to your room. Let us know if at any point you need anything. We’ve
supplied your room with a whiteboard, washable markers, plenty of pads,
paper, pens, and journals.

Nodding, I smile. I haven’t tried to talk since losing my hearing. I figure
there’s no point in it. Who knows if they’ll even be able to understand me?
After they show me to my room, they aren’t gone more than a minute
before another couple is at my door.

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