Saving Her Soul by Hildred M Billings EPUB & PDF

Saving Her Soul by Hildred M Billings EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Hildred M Billings
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 9.1 MB
  • Price: Free

Qahrain; Federation Year 4527
Good news rarely flowed out of Yarensport.
It had been that way for as long as Sulim could remember. The
civil unrest that marked the far corners of the Federation had teetered into
Qahrain’s atmosphere, and she knew—much like the rest of her family—
that it was only a matter of time before Federation Forces trampled the
crops and resistance fighters took what they could to replenish local

Which seemed silly to Sulim di’Graelic, a girl who had lived on her
family’s farm in the middle of pastoral Qahrain for her entire life. Qahrain
had nothing to gain from joining the growing resistance across the universe.
The planet had been terraformed and colonized in the past millennium,
acting as both the breadbasket and quiet bedroom planet of neighbor Terra
III. Human life on Qahrain began and ended with the Federation. Without it,
there was no economy, no medical assistance, and definitely no defense
against outside invaders. She acknowledged these truths while also
criticizing what she knew of the Federation and its response to far-flung
planets asking for more independence.

She just didn’t know what it had to do with her corner of the universe.
Rain again? Sulim shielded her eyes while waiting for the post. Her aunt,
the bossy Lady Caramine, wanted to know the moment an important
package from her sister-in-law arrived. Sulim figured that waiting for the
post in a sprinkle of rain was better than doing the chores.
Even if it meant her shirt was soggy by the time a fossil fuel vehicle
drove past the main entrance of Montrael Meadows and tossed her a few
parcels and stacks of letters.

“Sheesh.” Sulim had brought a jute sack with her, but she was not
prepared to haul at least twenty pounds of mail back to the main house.
“Where did all of this come from?”
The postman poked his dark head out of the driver’s side window of his
vehicle and said, “Mail’s been backed up in town for a few days. The
Federation has set up a new guard post there and they’re sniffing through
everything.” He slammed his door shut. “Haven’t been to town lately, have

Sulim shook her head. “We’re getting ready for harvest. Only people who
have been to town are the Lady and her two young kids. And they’re not
going anytime soon.”

“Best idea! I don’t recommend any ladies or children who don’t have half
a wit about them do much traveling now! Anyway, enjoy the rain from our
glorious government!”

He had driven off down the road by the time Sulim finally had the parcels
and letters arranged in the easiest way to transport. She slung the straps of
her jute bag over her right shoulder and carried the package from Lady
Essa, her aunt, in her left hand. Although balance was not quite achieved,
she figured she’d make it back to the house without getting caught in the
rain that had not been in the forecast.

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