Saving Helena by Haven Fox EPUB & PDF

Saving Helena (IRON BROTHERHOOD MC #1) by Haven Fox EPUB & PDF

Saving Helena (IRON BROTHERHOOD MC #1) by Haven Fox EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Haven Fox
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.3 MB
  • Price: Free

Maddox – age 16
“Pike!” My whisper was a desperate plea as I frantically
scanned the darkness for my best friend. “Pike!”
This wasn’t the first time we’d been in trouble together. Nor was it the
first time we’d been caught. Things weren’t looking too good either.
I could see the shadows of police officers as they came closer and the
blue glow from the lights. There was no way that I could get clear before
they got here, no way that I’d be able to run. The chain link fencing on
either side was impossible to reach, bordering thousands of acres of Arizona

Panic settled into my chest as I thought of ways to escape this newest
batch of trouble I’d landed into. I’d probably lose my current foster home
placement, which was a shame since it hadn’t been bad. There were no
groping hands, no looming in the dark. Now, though, I could take care of
myself. I’d grown up into a bigger version of the small, crouching boy that
I used to be.

But the most crushing blow was the realization that Pike hadn’t returned
as promised. The feeling of betrayal cut deep. He had been my rock, my
constant, in a constantly changing life. I had trusted and believed in him,
and now it felt like I had been abandoned.

Bitterness clogged my throat as I peered around again for him before
the police officers came around the corner. Finally, I hit the dirt and held my
hands in the air—no sense in getting shot.

Maddox – 23
“Move your fucking ass!”
Grabbing the soldier next to me and shoved him behind the
building and into the dirt just as the bullets flew.
No way was I having some kid killed on my last fucking day in the
field. That would’ve been some bad karma for the rest of my life. Not to
mention the paperwork I’d be forced to fill out.

“That was close, Maddox,” my friend Ames said and winked as we
returned fire. “I’d hate for you to have paperwork on the last day.”
“Me too, me too,” I gave him a crooked grin. Ames and I were good
buddies these last few years. I wished he were getting out with me, but he
had re-upped.

Something had been pushing me back stateside, but I couldn’t
determine what it was. There wasn’t a lot for me to return to, no friends or
family to speak of. I had thought about staying in for another four years, but
the uniform was chafing now, and the orders were not sitting as they had in
years past.

I’d been encouraged to go into the army by my last foster mother. She
didn’t know how else to help me since I was aging out of the system,
and there was nowhere else for me to go except the streets or jail.
It certainly hadn’t seemed like I was going in a positive direction.

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