Saved from Jeopardy by Gia Cobie EPUB & PDF

Saved from Jeopardy by Gia Cobie EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Gia Cobie
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.3 MB
  • Price: Free

I didn’t think it would be this hard to see him.
Actually, I tried not to think about it at all.
As soon as the invitation arrived, I knew he’d be here. And I did
everything I could to distract myself from it. Volunteering to cover jobs for
my teammates, offering to help Zane with his self-defense classes at the
gym, dog sitting for Finn and Hanna whenever they needed.
If there was something I could do to keep my mind busy, I was all over

One morning last month, Finn brought up skipping the wedding, trying
as best he could to put a nice spin on it. We had just finished sparring and I
was starting my stretches when he said, “You know, Nora. I was thinking…
It might not be a bad idea for one of us to stay back here while everyone
else goes to the wedding. Just in case something comes up…”
His expression was carefully neutral, but his eyes showed something
different. Concern. Compassion. Understanding.

But I wasn’t going to show weakness then, just like I won’t now. So I
forced a smile and told him, “There’s no way I’m missing Tyler’s wedding.
And I’m completely fine about going.”
I was only lying about one of those things.
Not about Tyler’s wedding—I’m thrilled to see my friend get married.
We were both stationed at Fort Campbell and trained together for years, so
there was never any doubt in my mind about showing up to support him.
Except that’s not really true, either.

I’ve second guessed my decision—every morning when I dragged
myself away from the memories, I thought about chickening out. I knew my
friends would understand if I stayed home in Sleepy Hollow instead and
would never make me feel bad about it.

But I would feel bad. I’d feel like a failure; too weak to face my fears.
After eight years of active duty, four of them as one of the only women
in the Green Berets, the last thing I want to be is weak.
So I’m here at the Whiteface Lodge in Lake Placid, celebrating my
friend’s marriage, surrounded by people I’ve known for years.

There’s my team—Cole, Finn, Leo, Rylan, and Zane—who are more
than just friends, they’re my family. I’ve known them all for over a decade;
first as Green Berets serving on the same team, and now working together
at Blade and Arrow Security. All their partners are here, too; women who
have become like sisters to me.

There are other friends from the Army here, too. Niall, who left his own
Green Beret battalion to come home and help his family. Dante, another of
our battalion teammates, and the groom’s best man. And there are so many
more familiar faces—Xavier, Matthew, Rhiannon, Erik…

It’s incredible to see all these people in the same place. With the winter
wonderland atmosphere—thousands of twinkling lights, the aroma of pine
and cinnamon, a blanket of snow outside and more coming down—it seems
impossible not to be happy here.

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