Savage Obsession by Ashe Barker EPUB & PDF

Savage Obsession (THE CARAKSAY BROTHERHOOD #9) by Ashe Barker EPUB & PDF

Savage Obsession (THE CARAKSAY BROTHERHOOD #9) by Ashe Barker EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ashe Barker
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.3 MB
  • Price: Free

Tenerife, 2023
The woman appears competent enough, if one or two paragraphs on the
report emailed over by the agency is any guide. I prefer to rely on my own
judgement, which is less glowing than the effusive claims made by the
recruitment consultant. I need a cook and housekeeper, not a rocket

“Have you worked in a professional kitchen, Señora Hernandez? What
are your specialities?” I like my food, this is important.
I’m met by a barrage of Spanish, punctuated by frantic hand-signalling.
“Whoa.” I insert a hand signal of my own. “My Spanish is crap. Can
you translate to English?” Was I not specific in my briefing to the agency?
Fluent English essential.

Señora Hernandez—Sophia, she insists—switches with enviable ease.
“My apologies, señor. I have worked in high-end restaurants in Madrid and
Malaga. I can provide references…”

She had better. It’s bad enough that I’m so desperate that I’m hiring
household staff without the proper and full vetting procedures. At the very
least I’ll need some decent testimonials to fall back on. I thumb through the
documents provided, which are naturally all in Spanish, and pick out the
most likely ones. A quick scan highlights words like confiable, puntual,
honesta. Reliable, punctual, and honest. Fair enough to start with, but the
proof of the pudding will be in the eating—literally. I need to know if this
woman can cook.

“I’ll give you a week’s trial,” I offer. “Then we’ll reassess. If I decide to
appoint you, it will be a live-in position, but until then, you’ll

“Of course, of course, señor. One cannot be too careful.”
No, one can’t. Especially in my line of work. I’m second-in-command
and chief enforcer for Kristian Kaminski. Our firm runs pretty much the
entire night-time economy on Tenerife, an operation we took by force
having killed the previous incumbents. My boss prefers to refer to it as
‘eliminating’. I tend to leave the diplomacy to him. I prefer plain-speaking.
It avoids misunderstandings.

The Domingos may be history, but their legacy of intimidation lives on,
and their wider network remains alive and kicking on the Spanish mainland.
It’s part of my role on the island to make sure they stay there and off our

I moved into Los Viñedos, the sprawling hacienda previously the home
of Carlos Domingo, almost two months ago. My boss prefers to live on his
yacht, but I have a preference for the space and security of dry land. In any
case, he’s away right now on a sort of pre-marriage honeymoon cruise,
leaving me to hold the fort on my own. It’s no big deal. It’s what I’m good
at, making sure people know who’s in charge and what’s expected of them.
Like I say, avoid misunderstandings.

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