Sapphire Dawn by C. Travis Rice EPUB & PDF

Sapphire Dawn (SAPPHIRE COVE #4) by C. Travis Rice EPUB & PDF

Sapphire Dawn (SAPPHIRE COVE #4) by C. Travis Rice EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: C. Travis Rice
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.9 MB
  • Price: Free

Six Months Earlier
Richard Merriweather had only thrown a drink on someone once before in
his life, a giant frat boy in college who’d made the mistake of performing a
loud, mincing parody of the way he’d greeted his best girlfriends in a
crowded bar. If the homophobe in question hadn’t started his impression
with a slur, he might not have slung a foamy tendril of Stella Artois across
the front of the snide bully’s shorts and T-shirt with a single flick of the
wrist. But the words Check out this bonesmoker had simmered in his chest,
and suddenly his friends were corralling him out of the bar before fists were
raised. “Ballet lessons when I was a kid!” Richard called after him. “They
do wonders for your posture. Give ’em a try, Frankenstein.”

Years later, he still didn’t regret the act. He’d put up with far too many
bullies in high school to tolerate them in college. And it wasn’t like he’d
thrown the bottle itself.

That said, he was a grown man now, and he’d shunned all forms of
physical violence since. But if there was ever a time to break such a vow it
was with a total stranger who’d just bragged to you about sleeping with
your ex-husband—when the man had still been your husband.

To his credit, the obnoxiously handsome IT executive—his name was
either Billy or Bradley; Richard couldn’t remember and now he had no
interest in trying—didn’t threaten Richard’s physical well-being, but he did
stare down at his ice-water soaked crotch with a grimace that suggested at
least one testicle had frozen over.

A shame since Richard had aimed for both.
“All I said was you should try to relax about the whole thing,” the
shithead finally managed. “Jesus!”

“Clearly I disagreed with you.”
“Look, it’s not like I knew he was married. I mean, we were at a sex
party, for God’s sake. But when you said Henry Cavill lookalike with a
Texas accent who worked in finance I…”

Thought it would be appropriate to loudly blurt out, “Hey, that guy
plowed me last spring,” Richard thought as his would-be seducer lost his
voice to a series of gasping breaths and went back to fruitlessly dabbing ice
water from his tailored dress pants with a paper napkin.

Amazing how quickly the worm had turned. In an instant, Richard had
gone from studying one of the exhibition’s more impressive canvases to
being utterly charmed by a handsome stranger who’d stepped forward and
introduced himself with a winning smile. Then, for a brief, blush-inducing
few moments, they’d been delightedly chatting, an island of flirting and eye
contact around which the reception’s other guests seemed to fade away.

Right up until Richard revealed the broad circumstances of his recent
divorce, and his would-be suitor proudly proclaimed himself an unwitting
accessory. But if the lewd declaration had been his only response, Richard
might have been able to make a quiet and graceful exit from the Laguna Art
Museum’s opening reception for its new exhibition of California

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