Sanctum by Jasper T Scott EPUB & PDF

Sanctum by Jasper T Scott EPUB & PDF

Sanctum by Jasper T Scott EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Jasper T Scott
  • Language: English
  • Genre: First Contact Science Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

March 19th, 2032
Texas Hill Country
Adam’s forearm ached from squeezing the hand pump to pipe fuel down
from one of two diesel drums in the back of the truck to the aging F350’s
bone-dry tank.
While he worked the pump, Adam watched a vivid sunrise seep into the
clouds, turning them blood-red. Birds flitted between the tops of trees and
the decaying buildings around the gas station where they’d spent the night.
The birds were up and chirping, making the morning seem almost cheerful,
but a heavy weight rested on Adam’s shoulders.

A lot had happened in the last three days. He’d lost his oldest surviving
friend, Rick Jackson, to stalkers. They’d learned that the Specters were
taking human captives and turning them into mindless slaves. They’d
driven up to Travis to tell the governor of the Republic about it, and he’d
tried to have them killed—no doubt because he was somehow involved.
Then Adam was captured and dragged down into a stalker den. While he
was down there, he’d heard a rumor from another captive that the North
American Coalition had stolen a Specter starship in Chicago and they were
using it to smuggle people to safety on another planet, code-named
Sanctum. Adam managed to escape the stalkers’ den with the help of his
old neighbor, Harry Cooper, who had spent the last eight years since the
invasion as one of the Specters’ slaves.

Harry flew him back to the ranch in one of the Specter’s landers, where
they discovered that Sunny Valley had been taken over by Raiders and
corrupt Rangers from the Kerr Safe Zone. With Harry’s help, they defeated
the raiders and Rangers and rescued their people, but the ranch was burned
to the ground. Harry wanted to turn them all into alien slaves like him, but
Adam shot him in the head, and they fled the ranch.

Now they were contemplating the drive to Chicago to join Coalition and
find out if the rumors about Sanctum and the stolen Spec starship were true.
Adam wasn’t sure what to think, but after everything that had happened
at the ranch, it wouldn’t be long before they were wanted throughout both
the Republic and the Syndicate. That left only one safe place for them to go
—north, to the Coalition.

“We almost ready to go?”
Adam turned to see Owen Brooks stepping through the shattered doors of
the gas station. The others were right behind him. Bowser ducked between
their legs with an excited yip, and then the nine-year-old Golden Retriever
began sniffing energetically around a patch of dried blood on the pavement.
Adam frowned, wondering if someone else had tried to hide here before
them, only to get ripped apart by stalkers. Or maybe that blood was the
work of Raiders.

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