Salutis Meae by Jocelyne Soto EPUB & PDF

Salutis Meae by Jocelyne Soto EPUB & PDF

Salutis Meae by Jocelyne Soto EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  •  Author: Jocelyne Soto
  •  Language: English
  •  Formats: PDF / EPUB
  •  Status: Available For Free Download
  •  Series: None
  •  Price: Free
  •  File Size: 1 MB


AS A KID, I never understood religion.
Never did I understand the need to go to a building that had colored glass
windows and pray to a wooden cross. Never did I get why my mom was
insistent that not only I be baptized by the Catholic church but also receive
my first communion. I never understood why my mom had a rosary on her
bed side table. Or why there were Jesus Cristos all over my house.

It never made sense to me, especially since we only went to church on the
occasional Sunday, for weddings, or easter mass.
I never understood it, that is until I was thirteen and I was praying every
single day for a month.

That was the first time in my life I understood. I understood why my
mom had her rosary and why she was so instant I believed in a God.
It only took my father to go into a coma and die for me to understand.
All the understanding came on a November Sunday, of all days.
We were getting home from my soccer game and my mom wanted to
decorate the outside of the house for Christmas.
She was going to wait until the following weekend, but my dad insisted
that we get it done that day.

Mom and I were in the back getting some of the Christmas stuff out of the
shed and Dad was in the front getting started on hanging the lights.
I was pulling out the blow up snowman that my mom loved so much
when I heard gunshots go off.

Living where we lived in the City of Los Angeles, hearing gunshots,
sirens, and helicopters circling the air, were a normal occurrence.
As long as all of those things weren’t anywhere near us, everything was
all good. Not hearing them always made things feel a little off.
But that day the gun shots were a little too close for comfort.
So close that it had me and my mom dropping everything and running to
the front of the house.

I don’t know what I expected to see when we got there but it definitely
was not the image that played out.
Instead of my dad being on the ladder or possibly running to help
whoever might have been struck by the gunshots, he was on the ground.
Blood was everywhere.

For a split second, I thought that he had fallen and that was where the
blood had come from. But as we ran closer, I saw how wrong that thought
The blood was coming from the bullet holes that my dad had in his chest
and at the side of his head.
I thought he was dead but by some miracle his eyes were still open, and
he was breathing heavily.

Seeing all the blood that was gushing out of him had me falling to my
knees and my mom letting out screams that sounded like a banshee’s cry.
The ambulance arrived about five minutes after the shots rang out and
they rushed him to the hospital.

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