Saint (MILLER FAMILY #1) by Rae Anderson EPUB & PDF

Saint (MILLER FAMILY #1) by Rae Anderson EPUB & PDF

Saint (MILLER FAMILY #1) by Rae Anderson EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Rae Anderson
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.8 MB
  • Price: Free

Unremitting, my toes curled in the size twelve Jordan 5s that laced my
feet. Through continuous extension and flexion, the motion didn’t cease
bringing me comfort as I sat in the office of one Dr. Raine Gibson. She held
a notepad between her thumb and forefingers, though she deprived the pad
of ink, refusing to write a single note.

“Has anyone ever suggested that you may be neurodivergent?”
I was raised by a man who taught me the importance of words, the
power they wielded, and the significance of prefixes and suffixes. As I
aged, I amassed respect for my upbringing and the expedient conditioning it
housed. Words weren’t intonated unless there was intent behind them. They
weren’t uttered unless there was clear meaning attached to that intent.

So when I heard neuro, I instantly connected it to my mind, how my
thoughts were processed, and my nervous system. Divergent, different,
conflicting, deviating—all synonyms to suggest, in a polite way, that my
head was unlike the greater population that surrounded me.
Unsanctioned, my lips released a sigh, and my toes began the frequent
curling and straightening they always did to settle me.

Growing up, my mother always said my nerves were worse than a
pregnant woman past forty weeks carrying twins. It was a running tease
about the way I responded to stimuli back when shit like this hadn’t been
scientifically defined as a thing. Back then, there weren’t any heavy
feelings about specific terminology. There weren’t fucking pronouns. There
weren’t hissy fits thrown over names that didn’t exist because
neurodivergence wasn’t a… whatever the fuck it is.

“Nah. I haven’t,” I countered Dr. Gibson. “What’s that supposed to
mean?” I asked, toying ignorant, though I’d already broken the word down
for my understanding.

Across from me, she sat on a sofa similar to the one I was in. Hers was a
third of the size I was situated in. The lofty couch was much too oversized
for her office, but I relaxed in it regardless. Maybe that was the point.
People crossed her threshold in search of something. Comfort was required
in order to locate it. The couch I sat on was comfortable as hell.

Though mildly disinterested in the conversation, I was still curious to
know what the VA-appointed psychiatrist had to say. It was through my
benefits that I connected with Dr. Gibson. Not directly. The VA provided
shrinks for veterans, but the care for mental health was sub-par at best.

Often, the VA didn’t treat preexisting mental health conditions. It
immediately disqualified you from being eligible for care. Yet another fuck
you from the government for all we did in our line of duty.

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