Sage Advice by Sandra Carmel EPUB & PDF

Sage Advice (HEARTS IN DANGER #1) by Sandra Carmel EPUB & PDF

Sage Advice (HEARTS IN DANGER #1) by Sandra Carmel EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Sandra Carmel
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Visit Alexander? No way. No. Way. He was an arrogant prick to me
back in the day.” Sage Cassidy shook her head, adamant, and refocused on
her laptop screen. And yes, okay, she might still harbor some slight,
unresolved feelings following his rejection.
“Prick? That’s a bit harsh. I know he can be stand-offish.” Chase stared at
her with his over-observant lawyerly eyes. “Did he do something you didn’t
tell me about?”

Where did she start? She raised her eyebrows in a challenge her brother
couldn’t win. Chase had blind loyalty to his best mate. He couldn’t refute
her, unless he knew something she didn’t.

Which was entirely possible, considering she hadn’t communicated with,
let alone seen Alexander Barrett in fifteen years. “You mean, other than him
treating me like crap since I turned twelve—teasing or ignoring me, then
essentially ordering me to fuck off when I tried to hang out with you guys?”
Chase sat forward and propped his forearms on his knees. “Okay, fine. I
get that he can be gruff, but he has a good heart.”

Ironically, Alexander’s gruffness turned her on, the idea of trying to win
his affections…except he’d looked at her like she represented some
defective female alien from another planet.
Sadly not surprising given she’d been a gawky rather than pretty
teenager. So, massive fail. Her crush’s supposed good heart left long-lasting

Not that he’d have any inkling about the impact he’d had on her love life,
men, relationships. As a psychologist, working in the trauma field in
Melbourne for years, she should really talk about her unresolved feelings in
her supervision sessions but…avoidance continued to be her favorite coping
—more accurately, non-coping—strategy. “I can’t see him. Sorry.”

“Sis, please…for me. He’s had a really rough time. He can’t return to the
military, and he’s feeling lost, useless, helpless, when he’s used to fighting
for his country. Being the tough guy. Invincible.” Chase focused his
imploring eyes on her, his fingers fiddling with his platinum and sapphire
cufflinks, the ones their now-deceased parents had given him as a
graduation present.

How could she say no to that? She knew all about military-induced posttraumatic stress disorder. She’d specialized in it, worked with ex-service
staff every day using eye movement desensitization and reprocessing—
EMDR—therapy, combined with counseling. It constituted her bread and
consistently warm, melting butter…when her intervention worked. And it
didn’t always.

“Did you explain you’d be asking me to make contact?”
“Yeah.” He tugged at the sleeves of his expensive, immaculately pressed
navy suit. Between that and the crisp white shirt, he looked fresh, like he’d
just gotten dressed. He hadn’t, though. He’d been in court all morning.
‘Workaholic’ had become his middle name—dependable brother,
workaholic, best friend.

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