Sacrifice the Sea by Anna Fury EPUB & PDF

Sacrifice the Sea by Anna Fury EPUB & PDF

Sacrifice the Sea by Anna Fury EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Anna Fury
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


The sky is the same shade as the sea today. Gray. Heavy with the
promise of rain. Something about that symmetry pleases me. I like
I sift through the tangle of necklaces around my neck and find the
clamshell pendant. I’ve been wearing it more often lately—sharing the
burden of its weight with Triton. Voices aren’t supposed to be heavy, but
Crallek’s is. It’s a metaphysical weight, but it cuts deep. Sometimes it feels
like the chain will slice through my skin and keep burrowing right down to
the bone.

Seagulls circle overhead, shouting their complaints at me. I ignore them
as I flick my tail fin on my rock. Although, it’s not really a rock. It’s a
chunk of foundation from one of the skyscrapers that toppled into the sea
when the humans nuked their world 180 years ago.
But it is my rock.

And this is my place—the one spot where I can be alone. Few among
the Sea Syndicate venture to the surface. Even those of us who can shift to
two legs generally avoid contact with humans and the bipedal monsters of
the Myth. My merfolk clan is particularly loath to leave the water. I come
from the Deep, where most other clans fear to tread.
But I don’t mind the surface. It’s an entirely different world compared to
the sea.

In the distance, the highrises of the Sky Syndicate reflect the gray sky.
As I watch, a massive construction crane slowly lifts a beam into the
skeleton of a new building.
That’s gargoyles for you. The acquisitive fuckers are always building
new shit—probably because they can’t stray from their nests. As a result,
Gothel, the Lord of the Sky, is forever putting up new towers.
Although, word has it his latest acquisition is an entirely different kind
of tower. News from the surface reaches us last, but it sinks down
eventually. According to the latest gossip, Gothel mated Tower du Sang, the
new leader of the du Sang vampire clan.

“Clan” being a euphemism for “criminal enterprise.” Because the two
vampire factions sell power for profit. I wish I didn’t have firsthand
knowledge of their operations, but I’ve dealt with the du Sangs a time or
two. Paying for stolen power left a shitty taste in my mouth, but I gulped it
down and did it anyway. Yet another thing that makes me a good second.
My fingers tighten around the pendant.

The crane continues its work. Inside the building, tiny figures grasp the
end of the beam and haul it into place. When the building is finished,
another skyscraper will pierce the sky, restoring more of the original
Manhattan skyline.

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