Ryder by Nicola Jane EPUB & PDF

Ryder (THE CRAZY ACES MC) by Nicola Jane EPUB & PDF

Ryder (THE CRAZY ACES MC) by Nicola Jane EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Nicola Jane
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 8.4 MB
  • Price: Free

I crouch in front of my miserable five-year-old daughter, wiping her
chubby wet cheeks with the pads of my thumbs. “Come on sweetie, it really
isn’t so bad. You’ll be back home before you know it and I’m sure your
Daddy has so much planned that you won’t even have time to miss me,” I
reassure her, even though it’s killing me to push her, when she doesn’t want
to go.

She sniffles again, more tears rolling down her rosy cheeks. “He doesn’t
play with me, he’s always too busy,” she cries. I know she’s right, she’s not
being dramatic. I doubt Finn wants to see Harlee anymore than she wants to
see him. He never wanted her from the second I found out I was expecting,
and nothing’s changed, apart from now I’ve left him she’s his key to get to

“How about when you get home tomorrow, we go out to the cinema, or
we can just stay home and watch films all day? You get to choose.” Harlee
nods her head, her sad frown still marring her innocent face. I hate
Saturdays, I hate handing my little girl over to my ex-husband, but I know
he’ll make my life hell if I don’t.

The low sound of rumbling fills the air and I watch my new neighbour
rolling his motorbike to a stop. The guy only moved in a week ago, and
already he’s driving me insane. His noisy bike has woken Harlee more than
once during the night.

He dismounts the large machine and removes his helmet. As annoying as
he is, I can’t help but check him out at every opportunity. It isn’t often you
got to see a six-foot something biker on your doorstep looking as good as
he does. His brown shoulder length hair is pulled back into a tight man bun
and even though I never go for guys with long hair, I feel strangely attracted
to the biker. Having a six pack, tattoos and a golden tan, helps his cause.

“Good morning Siren,” he says with a wink. He pulls a rose from his side
of the fence and saunters towards us. Bending down on one knee he holds
out the rose to Harlee, who giggles and accepts it with a curtsy. “And good
morning to you, Ms Harlee. Why do you look so upset?”
“I have to go and see my Daddy,” she mutters, looking down sadly at the
rose. Griffin stands, towering over me so I have to tip my head back to see
him clearly.

“Well Siren, you kept that quiet, you’re not with the little ones Daddy?”
he asks, arching a brow.

“My name is Neve,” I reply, indignantly, “And why would I tell you
anything about my personal life.” We have the sort of banter where I
pretend he’s not hot and he pretends I’m his world.

“Because we’re neighbours. I’m old fashioned that way, and I like to be
able to walk into each other’s houses and borrow a cup of sugar, talk about
our day and discuss relationships.”

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