Ruthless Kings of Havoc by Madison Kingsley EPUB & PDF

Ruthless Kings of Havoc (LEIGHTON ROYALS UNIVERSITY #2) by Madison Kingsley EPUB & PDF

Ruthless Kings of Havoc (LEIGHTON ROYALS UNIVERSITY #2) by Madison Kingsley EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Madison Kingsley
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 8.7 MB
  • Price: Free

One Week Earlier…
The ringing in my ears is driving me insane. It could be that or the
agonizing pain pulsing through my body that feels like I’m carrying heavy
weights. Despite my body feeling beyond repairable, my bones feel brittle
after two seizures.
No wonder why my reflection shows the dull, expressionless woman
staring back at me.
This is what happens when a Ruthless Queen has pity for the wrong

I can see that now.
The immense plague of regret coursing through my veins like rushing
pools of blood, racing to aid my broken body that’s desperate for rest.
To recover from this nagging misery.
If only it was that simple.

It can’t be after you face death with wide eyes and a broken heart. The
real question I’ve yet to ask myself is whether my heart is really broken.
Or am I heartbroken at the reality screaming in my head like a broken

Again and again, the scene repeats in my mind.
Reminding me of the rooted betrayal that could have led to my end.
My imminent death.

That gets me to blink, watching the woman in the mirror look intrigued
by the movement. For a second, I don’t need to repeat the traumatizing
scene in my head for the millionth time. I can just remember the name my
parents gave me.

The name my mother was proud to appoint me, despite the treasonous
path ahead that would lead to this mysterious future of various fake names.

I’m unsure whether to disdain the name now, especially when the
shortened version was abused by that cowardly murderer. Despite the
pulsing pain in my chest, I can’t let go of my birth name. No matter the
rocky roads that have pushed my family further apart for years, this was one
of the few things that kept us together.
Kept me in alliance with them and the power bestowed upon our
inherited prosperity.

Evangeline is my way out of this madness.
Which is why I’ll embrace, honor, and respect my name.
I’ll make the inner child who was bullied and destroyed for years proud.
Deciding I should speak to give Zander some peace of mind, I attempt
to talk, but no words come out. If my silence was loud before, it’s striking
after my inability to say what’s thrumming in my mind.

Instead, I slowly shut my mouth, noticing the slight tremble in my
bruised purple-bluish lips—the aftermath of the seizures. My whole body is
quivering, tiny tremors that remind me of what I just experienced.
Utterly laughable even.

Is that why I try to smile?
This eerie sense of expression spreads along my high cheeks and only
contributes to how crazed my eyes look in return. The dilated rings around
my pupils aren’t helping one bit, but that’s passed me, for I’m already
dealing with the unexpected wave of anger, fighting to be freed inside me.

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