Running from Cupid by Bo Grant EPUB & PDF

Running from Cupid by Bo Grant EPUB & PDF

Running from Cupid by Bo Grant EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Bo Grant
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.1 MB
  • Price: Free

The beach should be for sandcastles, summer vacations,
and warm kisses. Human kisses, to be specific.
A trip to the beach should never involve waking up to a
strange dog bathing your face in slobber.
“You better run,
” a shrill voice called in the distance. The
dog stopped licking long enough to let out a deep bark that
echoed painfully through her head.

“Keep it down, will you?”
Whoever’s dog this was needed to come and get him.
Wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand only helped
to smear sand across her face, adding to her overall
discomfort. What happened? Why was she lying down in the
sand? All she could remember was looking at the sunrise
blooming over the water.

An older woman ran over to her. “Oh, dear,
” the woman
said in the same shrill voice. She skidded to a halt beside her
and then dropped to her knees, out of breath. “Are you—
She opened her mouth to reply, but the dog used that
opportunity to attempt to lick her in the mouth.

” she spewed at both of them as she pushed him
away from her face. “This dog won’t leave me alone.” As
soon as she pulled her arm back, the dog was right in her
face again. Something warm ran down her forehead the
second she propped herself up on her elbows in an effort to
put some space between her and the dog’s unwanted
affection. “Ugh. Now I am covered in drool.” She wiped her
forehead with the back of her hand as the woman’s eyes
widened in horror.

“Oh, that’s not drool, honey. That’s blood.”
She was right. There was no denying that her hand was
smeared with blood. None of this made sense. Why did her
head feel so fuzzy, and where did the blood come from? She
tried to examine the dog; it looked like a German Shepherd
puppy but the graying nose said otherwise. As far as the
blood, he was too close to her face for her see anything.
“Where is this…tiny German Shepherd bleeding from?”
“He’s a miniature, and he isn’t bleeding,” the woman
said, frowning at the top of her head. “You are.”
“I am bleeding?”

That did it. The mental fog turned into full-fledged
dizziness. She dropped her hand to the sand in an effort to
steady herself, but the edges of her vision were already hazy.

“You’re okay,
” the woman told her in a concerningly high
pitch. “It’s just a cut.”

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