Ruin (RUGGED MOUNTAIN MC: ANTI-HEROES #2) by Khloe Summers EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Khloe Summers
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.7 MB
  • Price: Free

Adventure. There’s not a one size fits all sort of thing. Some people
could find excitement in a new recipe. Others need extreme thrills like
climbing Mount Everest or scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef. I’m
somewhere in the middle, I suppose. There’ll be no oxygen defying climbs
or swimming with sharks, but I need something to get my blood moving.

I climb onto the back of Ruin’s motorcycle and lean into his solid
frame. He smells like leather, exhaust, and some kind of tree. It’s funny.
I’ve hung around bikers my whole life and they all have a unique smell. I
don’t know what it is. You’d think leather was leather, but it’s not. Ruin’s
leather is so much different than my brother’s leather, and they both smell
completely different than our close buddy, Country.

Ruin’s scent is my favorite, though. It’s deep, wild, and there’s a
musk beneath all of it that’s drawn me in and won’t let go. That, or I could
be crazy.

Pine trees and pastures pass as we climb the mountain toward a place
only we know. We come out here every so often to talk about life… as
friends. Anything more than that would be clearly prohibited by my brother,
the leader of Ruin’s MC, Outlaw. He’s raised me from the time I was
fourteen. There’s no paying him back for that, and it seems the least I can
do is not put the moves on his friends, though it’s getting harder and harder
by the second.

Ravens gather at the side of the road and hardy wildflowers pop in
wind feathered fields. The prickle of a sunburn is on my bare arms, and my
cheeks are cold from the incoming wind.

Ruin pulls into a gravel outcropping, parks behind a glacial boulder,
and kills the motor on his bike. I love this ride. We’ve taken it half a dozen
times over the past six years or so, and it gets better every time. The sky
always looks different with the clouds streaking in unique and beautiful
patterns, and the forest floor is ever changing as its inhabitants go about
their everyday lives.

“Pretty up here today,” Ruin says, helping me off the back of his
bike. My thighs are still numb from the rumbling.
I pull up my sunglasses and scan the horizon, looking out at the
valley below. White-capped mountains cascade down into a turquoise lake
and tall pine trees crawl up in the distance. There’s a steep climb here and a
short trail that leads around to a sheer drop. Call us crazy, but we always
have to go right to the edge of that cliff to sit and talk.

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