Rugged Fox by Elizabella Baker EPUB & PDF

Rugged Fox (WILLOW CREEK SECURITY #1) by Elizabella Baker EPUB & PDF

Rugged Fox (WILLOW CREEK SECURITY #1) by Elizabella Baker EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Elizabella Baker
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.1 MB
  • Price: Free

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I kicked the knocked-down mailbox with
my foot.
After a twelve-hour night shift, this was the last thing I wanted to be
dealing with. And the gang symbol tagged on the white surface only further
pissed me off. How was it that, even after nearly fifteen years, I was still
dealing with that single drunken night?
I looked up at my house and who I knew was waiting for me. That’s

“Again?” My best friend walked out my front door and met me at the
end of the driveway. “How the hell did Lucien and I sleep through that

It was the third time in the last three weeks I had come home to the
same thing. Each time, the individual had waited for the only night shift I
worked throughout the week. If it weren’t for the fact that my car was
parked in the driveway the other nights, I would’ve been concerned
someone was stalking me and knew my shift schedule at the hospital.

“Because this particular affiliation of Los Cangris are a bunch of
juveniles who don’t understand what true crime is,” I lashed out. “They
might have mastered keeping quiet, but they stick to petty shit that’s more
of a nuisance than anything. They want to prove themselves.”
And they were trying to use my son to do it.
I took a calming breath and pushed the problem away for now. I had
other things that required my attention this morning. “Is Lucien ready for

Lyla merely snickered. “I mean, he’s out of bed; does that count?”
Lyla and I had been best friends since elementary school. She was more
like a sister than anything, and if it wasn’t for her being willing to watch
Lucien while I worked my one mandatory overnight shift a week, I didn’t
know what I would’ve done.

“I’ll take it. I hope he didn’t give you a hard time.”
“My nephew never gives me a hard time. He loves hanging out with me.
He’s just not a morning person. Kinda like someone else I know.”

I didn’t hide the smirk because it was true. Mornings were the enemy. I
normally set five alarms and that was just to wake myself up before I even
attempted to wake Lucien. It was a routine that would drive anyone else
insane, but it worked well for us. It was a good thing Lyla was the only
person who had to deal with our annoying habits.

“Thank you.” I gave Lyla a hug. “I’ll call you after I drop Lucien off at
school. I need to do something about this, but I’m not even sure where to

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