Royal Retelling by Holly Kerr EPUB & PDF

Royal Retelling by Holly Kerr EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Holly Kerr
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.4 MB
  • Price: Free

“I CAN’T BELIEVE PEOPLE still read newspapers,” I grumble as I lay
out a thick layer under the puppy playpen. “It’s such a waste of paper.

Kills trees.”
In the big crate in the corner of the room, six pairs of eyes watch me
intently. The puppies have been here for three weeks, rescued with their
malnourished mother from under one of the piers, and already they know
the schedule: family time in the big crate at night, puppy pen during the
morning with the hopes that we’ll have visitors that may want to adopt one
or more, and then outdoor time in the afternoon if it’s nice.
It’s late May in Battle Harbour, which means most days are nice, albeit
a little cool. This far north, the constant breeze from the Atlantic always has
a bite.

“Yes, but it’s better than having to get new pee pads,” Ajax says in their
sing-song voice that will grate my nerves by the end of the day.

That’s like a four-letter word in the shelter. I came up with the idea to
save the stray dogs that migrate south from the First Nations reserves in
Northern Laandia near the Arctic Circle when I was still in high school.
Some girls mooned over boys—I fell for a pair of sad puppy eyes. My
mother finally cut me off from taking food down to the docks or to the
cliffs, or, god forbid, being seen around town with a bag of kibble.
I just made sure she didn’t find out about it.

It took three years of plans and plotting and begging for money—which
is also called fundraising—to get things running.
Five years later, Catch a Pet Rescue has never looked back. We’ve
expanded and expanded until we’re bursting at the seams, but the doggy
day care offsets most of the rescue expenses, which is helpful, because I’m
terrible at fundraising. I never thought operating a non-profit would be so
exhausting—and yet so fulfilling.

It helps that I like dogs more than people.
I wiggle my fingers at the eyes watching me and finish the set-up. We
spread paper or pads thick when the puppies come out because I’ve learnt
my lesson on what urine does to hardwood floors the hard way. Six months
after taking over the house, I had to get the floor ripped up and vinyl put
down. Another expense, one I’ve been trying to avoid for the second floor
where we house the cats.

Catch a Pet is a full-service animal centre—we take in cats as well as
dogs, the odd rabbit when the owner graduates into “cute bunnies are too
much work with a social life”, three rats that Ajax convinced me to accept
when the family moved out of town, which quickly became a family of nine
and then dropped down to six before we realized we needed to separate the
daddies, and a parrot that we got when Captain Bill passed.

The parrot could and did swear more colourfully than any of the
fishermen down by the docks. Even I learned a few phrases in the year we
had him

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