Roughstock by H.J. Marshall EPUB & PDF

Roughstock (ROYAL BASTARDS MC RAPID CITY, SD #1) by H.J. Marshall EPUB & PDF

Roughstock (ROYAL BASTARDS MC RAPID CITY, SD #1) by H.J. Marshall EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: H.J. Marshall
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3 MB
  • Price: Free

Walking across the green grass, maneuvering around the granite, I
found Pops’s headstone waiting like it had for the last three years.
Kneeling in front of it, I placed my hand over his name and closed
my eyes, feeling the same anger and sadness fill me that had every moment
of every day since I lost Pops.

We’d been at the clubhouse for less than two hours when my phone
rang, telling me Pops had had a massive heart attack and was gone. The
rage that overtook me was something I never wanted to revisit. I picked up
my beer bottle and threw it against the wall, watching the liquid and glass
rain down onto the floor.

The next few minutes were hazy as I stomped chairs, broke pool sticks,
and screamed at the injustice of it all. Not only did I lose my father, but my
club lost its leader. Phantom was the first to grab hold of me, wrestling me
to the ground as Cheyenne cried against the side of the wall at my outburst.
Within a day, the club voted for me to remain President of the Rapid
City Chapter of the Royal Bastards, and from that moment, I’d done
everything in my power to make Pops proud. But no matter what I’d done,
who I’d threatened, or where I’d searched, we were no closer to discovering
who killed him, and that really pissed me off.

I was failing the one person who had never failed me, and if it took my
life to avenge his, I was willing to make that trade.
Sighing, I settled my ass onto the soft grass and plucked a piece from
the ground as I spoke to the headstone, somehow imagining the answers I
needed would miraculously appear.

“I’m no closer to finding who did this to you and I’m lost without your
guidance,” I admitted, knowing no one could hear the words I was
speaking. “The farm is doing really good. I hired a boss to oversee the dayto-day operations, but I’m still taking care of the sales end of things. I’m
breeding Bonaire for five grand a pop, and he struts around like he’s king.”
I chuckled, adding, “So, you were right about him and his potential.”

Shaking my head, I looked across the small cemetery tucked on the
edge Rapid City, close to the farm. Pops loved the farm, and since I
couldn’t bury him there, I found the next best thing. Visiting him as often as
I can, I find talking to him gives me peace, and some days, these few
minutes are all I can find.

“Cheyenne’s been taking classes and she said she wants to go to nursing
school. I think she’d be a great nurse, and she’d get plenty of practice with
the brothers. Someone’s always hurting themselves, mostly from fighting.”

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