Rough And Tender by S. K. McClafferty EPUB & PDF

Rough And Tender by S. K. McClafferty EPUB & PDF

Rough And Tender by S. K. McClafferty EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: S. K. McClafferty
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Literary Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Indiana Territory

August 1807
air so still and oppressive that the simple act of breathing took
a supreme effort. Lying on the cot, in the comparatively cool
shadows of a one room cabin, the heat still seemed to sap
Henri’s bodily fluids. His skin felt hot and dry as parchment,
and blisters caused his lips to blister and crack. Water. He
needed water. From his position against the north wall, he had
only to shift his gaze to see the bucket resting on the rough
plank table. A bucket filled with water that his daughter had
brought from the creek that very morning.

How heavenly it would taste right now! He was not greedy.
A dipperful would satisfy this awful craving for a little while.
But it was so far away, and he was so weak. If only she would

Raven was a dutiful daughter for the most part. And far too
young and beautiful to be tending to a sick old man. She’d
turned nineteen this very day. She should be wearing stylish,
beautiful clothes and dancing with handsome young men. It
was her birthright, and he had stolen it from her. The
agonizing thirst he felt now was penance for depriving his
little girl of her youth.

Of course, in the beginning, it had
seemed no more than indulging the child’s whim. Since her
dear mama’s passing, Raven had become the light and
substance of his life. He had petted and spoiled her, and she’d
only had to show interest in something for Henri to go out of
his way to tutor her.

For this very reason, she could ride and shoot as well as he,
and if she was less than adept at womanly arts, like cooking
and needlework—well, there would be plenty of time for that
when she got older. Or so, he had thought.

Very gradually, the years had slipped away. Raven grew up
and grew wild. She delighted in the rough company of the
hunters and trappers and Indians who stopped by Henri’s post
to trade. Some were dangerous men, others just lonely for the
talk of a woman. Still, he had kept a close eye upon his
beautiful daughter. He’d noticed the men’s eyes following her
trim figure, and knew it was dangerous for her here. He’d
shuddered to think what could happen if a renegade stumbled
upon her while he was off on business.

For most of her young
life, he’d been all that stood between Raven and harm’s way—
his presence, and the fact that he was well-respected, had kept
her safe. Always, there had been time to broach the subject of
learning and academies for a young lady’s refinement, so
Henri had felt quite comfortable in postponing discussions that
might become uncomfortable in favor of enjoying his little
girl’s company.

The days, and months, and years had slipped
away. His little girl grew up and grew strong-willed—far less
easy to manage.
It was his fault that she knew nothing of city life, or the
skills required to catch and keep a husband. His fault that
she’d become so difficult.

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