Romancing the Wilderness by Dorothy Wiley 1 – 3 EPUB & PDF

Romancing the Wilderness by Dorothy Wiley 1 – 3 EPUB & PDF

Romancing the Wilderness by Dorothy Wiley 1 – 3 EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author:  Dorothy Wiley
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Literary Fiction
  • Format: PDF/ePub
  • Size: 4.6 MB
  • Price: Free

New Hampshire, Spring 1797

But at least he could live his life as God intended and build
a better future for his family. Wouldn’t it be far worse to hide
from life—to end it doing nothing significant? To choose only
what you will not do.

It isn’t death that a man should fear. It’s never living.
Nearly dark, Stephen Wyllie watched the boldest of the
evening’s stars push their way through the regal purple of a
cloudless sky. He resisted the urge to race home. He needed to
think. Sometimes it was just easier to think clearly on the back
of a horse. Could ‘two minds are better than one’ include a
horse? Perhaps with a trusted steed like George it could. The
black stallion was by far the best mount he had ever thrown
his leg over—tall, strong, and even-tempered.

Passing dense stands of timber, he stared west toward the
rugged darkening mountains. “It’s time to see the world
beyond those peaks, George.”
He had just confided in his four brothers telling them what
he had not discussed with anyone else, even Jane. Going west.
Folly or glory? For months, his mind had spun the question
around again and again—like some sort of top inside his head.
But now he had his answer.

He wanted to move his family to Kentucky.
It didn’t surprise him that his middle brother Edward had
mocked the idea. The man didn’t have an adventurous bone in
his body. Stephen had laid his heart on the line only to be met
with extreme negativity. It caused his temper to flare. This was
a difficult enough decision without Edward making it more so.
His cynical middle brother had snickered at the idea of going
to Kentucky and predicted that their heads would be swinging
from some savage’s hand like Daniel Boone’s decapitated

But his other three brothers supported the idea. In fact,
Sam’s feet were already itching to go. And John and William
both wanted to leave New Hampshire for their own reasons.
Going west would be a chance to test himself—to see just
what he was capable of facing.

He welcomed the idea. The
frontier would pit him and his brothers against countless
dangers—mile upon mile of wilderness, the worst elements,
vicious beasts, and savage men—all trying to steal their lives.
They would leave civilization behind. Their lives would be in
their own hands. The lives of his beloved wife Jane and four
young daughters would be in his hands. The thought nearly
stopped his heart. Could he keep them safe?

He could and he would. He had to.
He patted George’s neck, wanting to share his excitement
with someone, even if it could only be his horse. The prospect
of land opportunities that would enable him to raise fine
horses and cattle made his spirit soar. For the first time, he
believed he might be able to go where his dreams had already
taken him.
He swallowed the growing lump in his throat, realizing
just how much this meant to him.

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